00. IT News and Alerts

No entries under this category this week.
001. Brightspace
No entries under this category this week.
01. Administrative (dept moves/closes, employee info, Admin announcements)

SoMAS Seminar 4/20 at noon by Ann Pabst, a marine mammal physiologist. Seminar Title: Building a Deep Diving Mammal: Insights through the investigation of strandings.

Please join us for an Oceans and Atmosphere by by Ann Pabst, a marine mammal physiologist. Her seminar titled, “Building a Deep Diving Mammal: Insights through the investigation of strandings.” will be presented on Friday April 20, 2018 at 12:00 pm at the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences in Endeavour Hall, Room 120 (South Campus).


01. Campus-Wide Administrative Announcements(dept moves/closes, employee info,)
No entries under this category this week.
01. Campus-Wide Administrative Announcements(dept moves/closes, employee info)
No entries under this category this week.
01. West Campus Administrative Announcements(dept moves/closes, employee info,)
No entries under this category this week.
02. East Campus/Hosp/HSC Admin Announcements

Bring Your Child to Work Day

“A Day at Stony Brook Medicine,” April 26, 2018 from 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
Open to children ages 9 – 11 years
Registration deadline, April 19, 2018
Contact: Jodi Liebov, 8-2130


The Master of Health Administration (MHA) Program is Actively Reviewing Applications!

The Graduate Program in Health Administration (MHA) is currently reviewing applications for the Fall 2018 cohort! Admissions are rolling and applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis with a preferred deadline of May 15, 2018. You may log on to https://hampcas.liaison.com to begin the online application and view application requirements. This challenging, 21-month graduate degree is offered primarily online, and is complemented with some face-to-face components through Stony Brook University Southampton. MHA Program students will engage in 5-week intensive online courses, on-site practicum experiences, virtual synchronous sessions, and networking events with leaders in the healthcare management field such as residencies. For more information, please contact the MHA Program Assistant, Krista Gottlieb at krista.gottlieb@stonybrook.edu or 631-632-5056. We look forward to welcoming your application!


02. Workshops/Training
No entries under this category this week.
03. Fee-Based Workshops/Courses (CCE, Weight Watchers, etc…)
No entries under this category this week.
03. For-Pay Workshops/Courses (SPD, Weight Watchers, Craft Center, etc…)
No entries under this category this week.
03. West Campus Workshops/Training/New Academic Courses & Programs
No entries under this category this week.
03. Workshops/Courses/Training (work related; HR, EAP, DoIT, etc…)



REDI is as an opportunity for faculty/staff to engage in experiential activities and group discussions with an emphasis on self- discovery and awareness as related to diversity, equity and inclusion. The nature of the seminar provides a safe space for the timely and sometimes sensitive, yet necessary discussions related to the wonderful myriad of diversity that make up our campus community. Attendance is capped at 20 people in order to create an intimate environment which is more conducive to critical and constructive discussion. It is suggested that members of the same department or program attempt to attend the seminars on different dates. Registration is required and can be accessed by going to the SBU diversity web site and clicking on the R.E.D.I. tab. In order to ensure that remaining seminars will not be cancelled due to low registration, please choose a date that has less than 10 seats available. The following dates are: April 6; 18; 20; 27; 30 May 3; 8; 10; 14; 31; and June 1


The Secret to Productivity

Why are some people able to accomplish more than you do and seem more organized than you are? Learn over a dozen secrets of enhanced productivity and overall well-being for both your business and your life. And, by the way, not one of them involves time management or moving faster than you already do!
Click here to register: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=im9wpleab&oeidk=a07ef9rhbq796c4c773


NYS & CSEA Partnership – Statewide Targeted Tuition Program for Welding

The NYS & CSEA Partnership for Education and Training (Partnership) is pleased to announce the continuation of the Statewide Targeted Tuition Program for Welding. This program provides tuition assistance to CSEA-represented NYS Operational Services Unit (OSU) employees who wish to take welding courses. Copies of the catalog and application forms are available for download from their website at www.nyscseapartnership.org.


CELT Workshops Week of 4/16: Flipped Classroom, VoiceThread, Blackboard Rubrics, In-video quizzing (IVQ)

Tue 4/17: The Flipped Classroom 12:30-1:30pm, CELT Conference Room Library S1464
Wed 4/18: Narrate Your Slides Using VoiceThread, 11:00am-12:00pm, Library S1464
Thu 4/19: Blackboard Grade Center 103: Rubrics, 1:00-2:00pm, Webinar
Fri 4/20: Who is Watching? Make Your Online Videos Interactive with IVQ, 3:00-4:00pm, Library C1640B
Register: https://go.stonybrook.edu/celtevents
More information: https://it.stonybrook.edu/events/home


CELT Workshops Week of 4/23: Viewing Student Feedback, Lecture Recording, Effective Slide Presentations, Time Savers for Online Teaching, Crafting an Online Course Syllabus

Mon 4/23: Viewing Student Feedback Constructively, 1:00-2:00pm, Frey Hall 209
Tue 4/24: Best Practices in Lecture Recording, 10:00-10:30am, CELT Conference Room Library S1464
Wed 4/25: Strategies for Effective Slide Presentations, 10:00-11:00am, Library S1464
Thu 4/26: Top 10 Time Savers for Online Teaching, 10:00-11:00am, Library S1464
Fri 4/27: Crafting a Quality Online Syllabus, 1:00-2:00pm, Webinar (link will be emailed to registrants)
Register: https://go.stonybrook.edu/celtevents
More information: https://it.stonybrook.edu/events/home


04. East Campus/Hosp/HSC Workshops/Training
No entries under this category this week.
04. East Campus/Hosp/HSC Workshops/Training/New Academic Courses & Programs
No entries under this category this week.
04. New Academic Courses & Programs
No entries under this category this week.
05. Conferences/Seminars/Lectures



IACS Joint Science Meeting

IACS Science Meeting: The “Joint Science Meeting” is the central enabling activity of the partnership between the Tokyo Institute of technology and Stony Brook University as we pursue our common interests in science, engineering, technology, and especially the education and preparation of students. It is an opportunity for our faculty and students, as well as our external collaborators, to share their knowledge and passion, and to identify and develop new opportunities for collaboration. Participants from Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT), Stony Brook University (SBU), Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), the Northeast region of the United States and elsewhere in the country will come to SBU to participate in a 3-day workshop to discuss the common threads among the following topics: Quantum computing, Physics: Small and Large Experiments, Materials Science Condensed matter/chemistry, HPC/Big data, Environmental science & engineering

SBU Wang Center
Register by 4/6/2018


4/20/18: Living World Open Night/SBU Earth Day Celebration Plenary Lecture

Living World Open Night, Friday, April 20, 2018
Charles Wang Center Auditorium; 7:30PM

SBU Earth Day Celebration Plenary Lecture

National Science Foundation and Purdue University will present a lecture By Dr. Paul Shepson entitled “Embrace the Change”.

Note that the lecture will be held at the Charles Wang Center and not in ESS 001!


Provost’s Lecture Series will host Alexander Nehamas, Friday, April 20

Alexander Nehamas is Professor of Philosophy and Comparative Literature and the Carpenter Professor in the Humanities at Princeton University, and a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. He was born in Athens, Greece. His books include Nietzsche: Life as Literature, The Art of Living: Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault, Virtues of Authenticity: Essays on Plato and Socrates, Only a Promise of Happiness: The Place of Beauty in a World of Art, and On Friendship. He will present his lecture entitled “Metaphors in Our Lives: “I Love You for Yourself” at 3:00 PM, Wang Center Theater.


Molecular Genetics & Microbiology

Please join Dr. Laurie Krug today, April 16, as she hosts Seminar Speaker Dr. Cary Moody of UNC Chapel Hill at 12:00 noon in Room 038 of the Life Sciences Building. Dr. Moody will present “Regulation of HPV Replication by the DNA Damage Response”.

STRIDE Brown Bag Lunch: “Probabilistic estimation in Machine Learning: from the Bayes’ rule to optimal fusion of estimates”

Dr. Victor Elvira will present and lead this discussion.


Ecology and Evolution Seminar

3:30 P.M., Wednesday, April 18, 2018, Life Sciences Building, Room 038, “From Primate Populations to Groups to Individuals and Back Again: A Long-term Perspective,” Dr. Catherine Markham, Department of Anthropology, Stony Brook University. Host: Dr. Stephen Baines. If you need a disability-related accommodation, please call: The Department of Ecology and Evolution at (631) 632-8600.

Biochemistry & Cell Biology Seminar: Thursday, April 19, 2018

You are cordially invited to attend a seminar given by Dr. Maureen Hanson, Cornell University, entitled, “Post-transcriptional editing of plant organelle RNAs.” It will be held on Thursday, April 19, 2018, Life Sciences Building, Room 038 at 4:00 p.m. Hosted by Dr. Sondra Lazarowitz. Cookies, tea and coffee will be served at 3:30 p.m.

SBYIR Colloquium: OMG It’s Melting!

Wednesday April 18th
Student Activities Center Auditorium

The Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science and Stony Brook Young Investigators Review will be welcoming NASA Oceanographer Dr. Joshua Willis. As Project Scientist for Jason-3, he will be speaking on climate change, his research on the receding glaciers in Greenland and how to communicate through comedy.


Neuroscience Seminar Series

On Friday, April 20, 2018 @ 12:00 noon. in Life Sciences Bldg – Room 038, the Department of Neurobiology & Behavior will be hosting a seminar entitled: “Neuroadaptations in the Septohippocampal Pathways Following Exercise” Speaker is Dr. Lisa M. Savage, Professor, Binghamton University.

Host: Shaoyu Ge – 632 8616

L2 pragmatics research in the era of globalization: The role of intercultural competence in pragmatic development by Naoko Taguchi (April 19)

Professor Naoko Taguchi (Carnegie Mellon University) will speak on “L2 pragmatics research in the era of globalization: The role of intercultural competence in pragmatic development” on Thursday, April 19, 2018 at 4, at Wang Center, Room 201. Lecture is free and open to all.


Ecology and Evolution Seminar

3:30 P.M., Wednesday, April 18, 2018, Life Sciences Building, Room 038, “From Primate Populations to Groups to Individuals and Back Again: A Long-term Perspective,” Dr. Catherine Markham, Department of Anthropology, Stony Brook University. Host: Dr. Stephen Baines. If you need a disability-related accommodation, please call: The Department of Ecology and Evolution at (631 632-8600.

Earthstock Week Plenary Lecture and Living World Lecture

Friday, April 20, 2018, 7:30 P.M., Charles Wang Center Theater, Dr. Paul B. Shepson, Purdue University speaks on “Embrace the Change!” Paul Shepson, noted atmospheric chemist and incoming Dean of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences will alert us to the depth of the oncoming climate change crisis but will ask us to meet the challenge with a full force application of technology and sustainability. The Stony Brook University community can unite in helping with an aggressive and successful response to our challenges.

IACS Conference: IACS-TIT Joint Science Meeting – May 21-23, 2018

The “Joint Science Meeting” is the central enabling activity of the partnership between the Tokyo Institute of technology and Stony Brook University as we pursue our common interests in science, engineering, technology, and especially the education and preparation of students. It is an opportunity for our faculty and students, as well as our external collaborators, to share their knowledge and passion, and to identify and develop new opportunities for collaboration. Participants from Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT), Stony Brook University (SBU), Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), the Northeast region of the United States and elsewhere in the country will come to SBU to participate in a 3-day workshop to discuss the common threads among the following topics:

Quantum computing
Physics: Small and Large Experiments
Materials Science Condensed matter/chemistry
HPC/Big data
Environmental science and/or engineering

Registration is required.


Diversity Plan Town Hall

Please join Dr. Lee Bitsóí at one of two upcoming Town Hall Meetings on the Plan for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity. Thursday, April 19, 2018, 12 pm, Health Sciences Center Lecture Hall 3 or Wednesday, April 25, 2018, 1 pm, Frey Hall Room 100.


Funding Your Business

Learn about conventional bank lending and alternative methods for obtaining financing for your start up or existing business. Click on the link to register.


Center for India Studies Distinguished Lecture

Dr. George Hendrick, Inventing Satyagraha: Gandhi and His Supporters in South Africa
Weds., April 18, 1 PM, Humanities 3018.
During his years in South Africa (1893-1914), M.K. Gandhi developed a nonviolent method of opposing racial laws toward Indians in South Africa that pointed the way to the movement to free India from British control.


Molecular Genetics & Microbiology Seminar

Please join Dr. David Thanassi & Dr. Jessica Seeliger as they host Seminar Speaker Dr. Daniel Kahne of Harvard University next Monday, April 23rd. Dr. Kahne will present “Molecular Machines that Make Membranes” at 12:00 noon in room 038 of the Life Sciences Building.

Dear All, David Thanassi & Jessica Seeliger are co-hosting Seminar Speaker Daniel Kahne, Ph.D. of Harvard University, on Monday, April 23rd and they would like to know if you can meet with him for 1/2 hour during the day sometime. He will be here to start meetings at 9:30 a.m. and will end his morning meetings at 11:30 a.m., present his 12:00-1:00 seminar, and have lunch immediately following. He will resume meetings at 2:00 and continue through the afternoon. Please let me know what time(s) would be good for you and I’ll try to work around your schedules. I’ve attached his bio-sketch for your information. Thank you for your help!

Provost’s Lecture Series will host John Grotzinger, Thursday, April 26

John Grotzinger is the Fletcher Jones Professor of Geology and Chair of the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences at the California Institute of Technology. He served as the Chief Scientist of the Mars Science Laboratory Rover (Curiosity) from 2007-2015 and is a world-renowned sedimentary geologist. He will present his lecture entitled “Curiosity’s Search for Habitable Environments at Gale Crater, Mars” at 4:00 PM, Student Activities Center Ballroom B (Preceded by a light reception at 3 pm)


Visit and Talk by the Italian Consul General, NY, Minister Francesco Genuardi, April 18, 4 pm.

You are invited to join us in the Center for Italian Studies for the visit of Minister Francesco Genuardi, Italian Consul General of New York, who will give a talk on the topic: “Italy and the Tri-State Area: Working Together To Strengthen Relationships.” Wednesday, April 18, 2018, 4:00 pm. (Please note the time change for this event which was originally scheduled for 2:30 pm.) Location:Center for Italian Studies, Frank Melville Memorial Library, Room E4340. Reception to follow. RSVP 631-632-7444.


Center for Italian Studies/Dr. Joseph Tromba Series Event: Book Presentation (in English) of Italian publication: “Sense of Origins: A Study of New York’s Young Italian Americans (Il senso delle origini: Indagine sui giovani italoamericani di New York) with author, Rosemary Serra (University of Trieste).

9 whitford rd.

Center Italian Studies: Book Presentation: “Study of New York’s Young Italian Americans,” with author Rosemary Serra (University, Trieste). April 25, 4:30 pm.

April 25, Wednesday, 4:30 pm. Center for Italian Studies/Dr. Joseph Tromba Series Event. Book Presentation (in English) of the Italian publication: “Sense of Origins: A Study of New York’s Young Italian Americans (Il Senso delle origini: Indagine sui giovani italoamericani di New York)” with author, Rosemary Serra (University of Trieste). Introduction and remarks by Fred Gardaphe (Queens College). Location: Center for Italian Studies, Frank Melville Memorial Library, Room E4340.


Molecular Genetics & Microbiology Seminar

Please join Dr. David Thanassi & Dr. Jessica Seeliger as they host Seminar Speaker Dr. Daniel Kahne of Harvard University next Monday, April 23rd. Dr. Kahne will present “Molecular Machines that Make Membranes” at 12:00 noon in room 038 of the Life Sciences Building.


Laufer Center Seminar with Timothy Elston April 20

Timothy Elston, Prof of Pharmacology, University of North Carolina will give a lecture on “Competition, coexistence and bistability in polarity establishment”.

Laufer Center lecture hall 101, April 20, 2:30 PM.


Laufer Distinguished Lectures — James E. Ferrell, April 23 & 24, 2018

Laufer Center will be hosting Dr. James E. Ferrell for the Laufer Distinguished Lectures on April 23 & 24. Dr. Ferrell, a renowned systems biologist, is Professor of Chemical and Systems Biology, and of Biochemistry at Stanford, and Co-Director of the Stanford Center for Systems Biology.

Mon, Apr 23, “Trigger waves in cell signaling”, 2:30 PM
Tues, Apr 24, “How I became a systems biologist”, 1:00 PM

Laufer Center lecture hall 101

(Note: These lectures are rescheduled from March due to a snow cancellation.)


Chemistry Department Seminar on 4/19/18

On Thursday, 4/19, Dr. Garegin Papoian from University of Maryland, will be holding a seminar entitled, “Simulating Biophysical Processes from Nanometers to Microns: From Proteins & Nucleosomes to Cellular Scale Cytoskeletal Dynamics” located in Chemistry Dept, Room 412 between 4-5:15 pm.


4/20 Shutterstock Distinguished Lecture Series: The Art Science, and Commerce of Image Search – Jon Oringer, ’96

Jon Oringer, founder, and CEO of Shutterstock and SBU Alum will give a lecture on the art, science, and commerce of image search, viewing computer vision and deep learning through a commercial lens. The lecture will be in the New Computer Science Building, Room 120 at 2:30 PM on April 20th.

The image search problem is one of the biggest challenges Shutterstock faced since being founded in 2003 and the company needed to build a robust search mechanism that scaled. A system that allowed any customer to search through millions of images, quickly and find exactly the image they need.

Jon will discuss and demo Shutterstock’s own advanced computer vision model and a few of the current and new tools that allow more accurate and specific searches at light-speed through the collection to find the perfect image to meet a customers’ requirements.  


05. West Campus Conferences/Seminars/Lectures
No entries under this category this week.
06. East Campus/Hosp/HSC Conferences/Seminars/Lectures

Department of Pharmacological Sciences Seminar Series

Lecture Title: Replicative DNA polymerase defects in human cancers: consequences and mechanisms
Speaker: Polina Shcherbakova, Associate Professor, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Location: BST Level 8, Seminar Room 180
Date & Time: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 – 12:00pm
Host: Bruce Demple, PhD

Science And Research Awareness Series (SARAS)

The Department of Anesthesiology will be organizing the 15th Annual Science And Research Awareness Series (SARAS) in July 2018. This summer program runs for 3 weeks (July 9 to 27) and consists of lectures, experts views, video workshops and hands on workshops. Though this program is designed for high school and undergraduate students, it is open to everyone who is interested in Biomedical Sciences. Register early, as seats are limited. Program details, photos, students comments, video excerpts and application material can be found at SARAS website.


Skin Cancer Screenings and an Educational Presentation on Melanoma

In observance of Skin Cancer and Melanoma Awareness Month, Stony Brook Medicine’s Departments of Dermatology and Surgery are hosting this free program.
On Saturday, May 5, 8 to 11:30am
Call for an appointment, (631) 444-4000

2018 School of Health Technology and Management Research Day

Join us for SHTM’s annual research day celebration on Friday, April 27, 2018. Share in the excitement of current research taking place at Stony Brook. Discuss topics with poster presenters and come listen to our keynote speaker Professor Lisa Muratori discuss her research in the field of Huntington’s disease. Poster Session: Level 3, HSC, 9-11 am. Keynote speaker presentation: Level 3, LH5, 11:30 am – 1 pm. All are welcome to attend.

Dept. of Psychiatry Grand Rounds – Tues., April 17, 2018, Dr. Peter Shapiro, Columbia Univ. Medical Center

“Withdrawal of Cardiac Life Support: An Emerging Problem at the Boundary of Medicine, Psychiatry, Ethics and Palliative Care” – To be held in the Atkins Learning Center, HSC, L-4, 11-11:50 a.m.

Friday April 27th 9-11AM SHTM Research Day Poster Presentation & 11:30am-1 pm keynote lecture on Huntington’s Disease: Studies in Movement

Join us for Annual Research Day celebration held by School of Health Technology and Management (SHTM). Share in the Excitement of current research taking place at Stony Brook.
Discuss posters and chat with Ph.D. students and faculty in the HSC Galleria Hall
Level 3, from 9:00 am until 11:00 am.

Attend the Keynote Lecture presented by Associate Professor,
Dr. Lisa Muratori, in the HSC Lecture Hall 5, from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm.
Dr. Muratori will present Huntington’s Disease: Studies in Movement.

Free and open to the public.
✥ Refreshments and lunch will be served.

Department of Pharmacological Sciences Seminar Series

Lecture Title: Nucleocytoplasmic Transport and Nuclear Pore Component Defects In A Novel Mouse Model Of ALS
Speaker: Roger Sher PhD, Research Associate Professor, Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Stony Brook University
Location: BST Level 8, Seminar Room 180
Date & Time: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 – 12:00pm
Host: Holly Colognato, PhD

Biomedical Informatics Grand Rounds Guest Speaker: Adam Rosebrock, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pathology, Member, Cancer Center

Biomedical Informatics Grand Rounds Guest Speaker: Adam Rosebrock, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pathology, Member, Cancer Center

Title: Enabling Biochemical “Big-Data” With Mass Spectrometry Metabolomics

When: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 3:00 – 4:00pm

Where: Atkins Center – HSC Level 4 (Radiology)


Pursing the Structures of Complex Biomedical Data

Biomedical Informatics presents:

Speaker: Chao Chen, PhD, Department of Computer Science, CUNY Queens College & CUNY Graduate Center

Title: Pursing the Structures of Complex Biomedical Data

When: Thursday April 19, 2018, 11:00am – 12:00pm

Where: Basic Science Tower, L8 Seminar Room 180


Bioethics Grand Rounds: Alzheimer’s Disease, “The Spectrum of Hope” (May 14)

Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care & Bioethics and the Center of Excellence for Alzheimer’s Disease present Dr. Gayatri Devi’s, “The Spectrum of Hope”
Imagine finding a glimmer of good news in a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. Gayatri Devi, Neurologist specializing in dementia and memory loss for more than 20 years, rewrites the story of Alzheimer’s by defining it as a spectrum disorder—like autism, Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects different people differently. She encourages people who are worried about memory impairment to seek a diagnosis, because early treatment will enable doctors and caregivers to manage the disease more effectively through drugs and other therapies.

Monday, May 14 @ 4:15pm
Lecture Hall 1 (HSC, Level 2)
RSVP at https://drive.google.com/open?id=13D3qXoO4_N9THv_W4IxD4xtrZPhUsmJ4jD6gh2v1Q9Q
For more info: bioethics@stonybrook.edu or (631)444-8029


06. Research (Studies, Testing, etc…)
No entries under this category this week.
07. Charitable (Habitat, Blood drives, Cats, etc…)

Stony Brook Child Care Annual CA$H FOR KID$ Event

Want to win $10,000? Get your tickets for the annual CA$H FOR KID$ event! Stony Brook Child Care Services needs your help, and the 1st place prize is $10,000. The tickets cost $50 each and there are only 500 tickets available, so get your tickets now! Friends can share the cost of a ticket or buy individually. Tickets can be purchased at the Child Care Center with cash or check or you can simply pay on-line through pay pal @ www.stonybrook.edu/childcare. For more information call Debra @632-6047 or Debra.Scarfogliero@stonybrook.edu. The event will be held on Thursday, April 19, 2018 at 1 pm in the Stony Brook Activities Center (SAC) Ballroom B. Refreshments will be served. Thank you in advance for your support!

Bench 5K to Benefit Fit Kids for Life

The Tenth Annual Bench 5K run/walk to benefit Fit Kids for Life! will take place on Saturday, May 13. A fun run starts at 8:45 AM and the 5K starts at 9:30 AM. This is a great event… a great, scenic course through historic Stony Brook, tech tee race shirts, race photo, great post-run party with live entertainment and free food and beverages provided by The BENCH… all for a great cause!!! Registration on or before May 8th is $25 and day of race is $30. Register or get more information at https://you.stonybrook.edu/fitfamilies/ or call 444-6169. Fit Kids for Life! is an inter-disciplinary lifestyle wellness program for children who are struggling with obesity and related conditions like hypertension, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. The goal of the program, open to children from 8 – 17 years-old and their families, is to make gradual changes in a child’s eating and lifestyle habits through exercise, nutrition and behavioral modification.


The Murph Challenge is coming to Stony Brook- April 21

The Murph Challenge is Coming to Stony Brook University
Saturday, April 21, 2018

It is with great pleasure the Office of Veterans Affairs announce that Stony Brook University will be an official host of The Murph Challenge.

The Murph Challenge is an intense workout that takes place annually across the globe as a fundraiser in memory of Navy Seal Lt Michael Murphy. Lt Murphy is an American Hero, who made the ultimate sacrifice in 2005, while trying to save his men in Afghanistan. Lt Michael P. Murphy, a Long Island native, was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, and was the subject of the 2013 film, Lone Survivor.

The family will be in attendance at the Stony Brook Murph Challenge, and will be bringing Lt Murphy’s Congressional Medal of Honor for our guests to view.

We can not wait to share this opportunity with you!

Please use the link below to register as a spectator or competitor!


07. Charitable/Fundraisers (Habitat, Blood drives, Cats, etc…)
No entries under this category this week.
08. Culture And Entertainment (Sports, Movies, Events, etc…)


Benefits & Resources Fair for Seniors – Saturday, April 28th, 2018 – 9 AM to 1 PM

Benefits & Resources Fair for Seniors
Date: Saturday, April 28th, 2018
Time: 9 AM to 1 PM
Location: Long Island State Veterans Home
100 Patriots Road, Stony Brook, NY 11790
Multi-Purpose Room

This event is Free and Open to the public! Are Welcome to Attend!

Over 40 representatives from a variety of federal, state, and local service agencies will be present to distribute information and answer your questions.

Experts in the field of VA benefits, managed care, Medicaid, housing, home care, assisted living, legal counseling, mental health, long-term care, banking, burial arrangements and more will be on hand.

In addition, representatives from VA Eligibility and Enrollment will be on site.

Free health, dental and vision screenings will be performed by Stony Brook
Medicine Schools of Nursing, Social Welfare, Dental Medicine and The PACE Center for Health and Wellness.

For more information, please call 631-444-8606.


Senior Show and URECA Art Exhibition 2018 – Begins on April 26th!

Senior Show: April 26 – May 18, 2018
URECA Art Exhibition: April 26 – May 5, 2018

URECA Awards and Senior Show Reception: Thursday, April 26, 4pm
Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery, Staller Center for the Arts
Stony Brook University
Free and open to the public

Zuccaire Gallery Hours:
Tues-Fri 12-4pm
Also open before and during intermission of most Staller Center season performances and films. Admission is free.

The Senior Show 2018 and the 2016-2017 Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery schedule is made possible by a generous grant from the Paul W. Zuccaire Foundation. Additional funding is provided by the County of Suffolk and the Friends of Staller Center.


Club Red, University Club Event, Friday, April 20th; 4:30-6:30pm, J Club, Wang Center

Club Red, the University Club for faculty and professional staff, will meet in the Wang Center’s J Club on Friday, April 20th, 2018 from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. The complimentary food offering is sponsored by Jefferson’s Ferry. Wine and beer will be available at $5 and soft drinks $2. RSVP is requested (http://clubred.stonybrook.edu/) so that CulinArt, our highly regarded caterers can plan accordingly.

Club Red is intended as an informal gathering opportunity for all faculty and staff from all departments in the University, East and West Campuses. Attendance is not limited to people affiliated with the sponsor. Your support and attendance are welcomed (and vital!) to establish a more permanent University Club and facility at Stony Brook.

You can support Club Red events by purchasing a personal membership. Details can be found at https://clubred.stonybrook.edu/club-red-membership/


Shirley Strum Kenny Student Arts Festival Showcase

Join us this Thursday, April 19th from 5:30PM-7:00PM in the Tabler Black Box Theatre for performances, awards, recognitions, and department highlights. Open to the public. Reception with FREE food to follow. Come celebrate the month of April & the arts at Stony Brook University!


Novelist Daniel Alarcón and Poet Debora Kuan at Southampton Campus April 18

Daniel Alarcón and Debora Kuan will be the next guests in the spring Writers Speak Wednesdays series of free author talks and readings open to the public at Stony Brook Southampton, reading from and talking about their work on Wednesday, April 18, at 7 p.m. in Chancellors Hall. The evening will begin with a brief reception at 6:30 p.m.; readings begin at 7 p.m. and are followed by a Q&A and book signing at Stony Brook Southampton, 39 Tuckahoe Road, Southampton, NY 11968. For more information, call 631-632-5030 or visit www.stonybrook.edu/mfa. On Facebook, visit Writers Speak Wednesdays; to follow on Twitter, @ WritersSpeakWed.


Memoirist Melissa Febos and Novelist Alex Gilvarry at Southampton Campus for Writers Speak April 25

Melissa Febos and Alex Gilvarry will be the next guests in the spring Writers Speak Wednesdays series of free author talks and readings open to the public at Stony Brook Southampton, reading from and talking about their work on Wednesday, April 25, at 7 p.m. in Chancellors Hall. The evening will begin with a brief reception at 6:30 p.m.; readings begin at 7 p.m. and are followed by a Q&A and book signing at Stony Brook Southampton, 39 Tuckahoe Road, Southampton, NY 11968. For more information, call 631-632-5030 or visit www.stonybrook.edu/mfa. On Facebook, visit Writers Speak Wednesdays; to follow on Twitter, @ WritersSpeakWed.


09. For-Pay Workshops/Courses (SPD, Weight Watchers, Craft Center, etc…)


Weight Watchers Inspire Event – Tuesday, April 17th at 12 pm

Join us for our INSPIRE event on Tuesday, April 17th at 12 PM in N 3062 Melville Library and learn about the WW Freestyle Program and how current members are doing. During this special promotional period, all employees who purchase a Weight Watchers At Work membership (April 9-April 27) are eligible to receive a FREE Starter Kit full of tools ($70 value) to help them get started and stay on track during their journey. To receive starter kit materials and supplies, new members must redeem online by 5/11/18.
We hope you will join us on Tuesday at 12:00 noon in N3062 Melville Library

CEAS Tech & Society Special Topics in Engineering. New Online course FUNDAMENTALS of INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING

This Special Topics course encompasses the essentials of IE; optimal utilization of operational systems, people, methods, materials, machines and energy to gain operational objectives, address socio-technical applications, policy and technological management decision-making. Accomplished by using engineering principles, and techniques. IE focus is on problems involving, human effort & energy, production systems, capital asset management, work measurement, scientific management and social sciences. This fundamental course is distinct from other engineering courses as it engages multiple disciplines of engineering and management. Industrial Engineering is an interdisciplinary program that assists students in developing tools and techniques necessary to solve technical problems from the managerial, as well as technical perspective.

10. Food Related (strawberry fest, etc…)
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10. Research (Studies, Testing, etc…)

Autism Research Studies Available for Children 4-17 years old

The Social Competence and Treatment Lab (SCTL), under the direction of Dr. Matthew Lerner, is a research lab focusing on understanding how kids, teens, and adults on and off the autism spectrum see and perceive their social world around them. The SCTL lab is looking for children and adolescents between 4-17 years old to participate in our studies. All of our studies include questionnaires, seeing your child’s brain activity through an EEG, and additional activities and games! Compensation is given upon completion of the study. All activities are completely safe, non-invasive, and confidential. Siblings and friends are also welcome to participate!
If interested, please contact our lab at (631)632-7857. Alternatively, you can email us at lernerlab@stonybrook.edu


Ongoing Study Available for Children ages 11-14

The Social Developmental Neuroscience Lab (SDN lab), under the direction of Dr. Johanna Jarcho, is a research lab focused on understanding how kids and teens interact with one another. The SDN lab is looking for children and adolescents between 11-14 years old for our study, Teen Risk for Anxiety Investigated through Neuroscience! This study consists of two visits to our lab right on Stony Brook Campus. Activities include questionnaires, seeing your child’s brain activity through an EEG and receiving a picture of your child’s brain taken by an fMRI scanner! Compensation is given upon completion of each visit. All activities are completely safe, non-invasive, and confidential. Additional compensation is available when participants refer their friends!
If interested, please contact our lab at (631)632-7579. Alternatively, you can email us at sdnlab@stonybrook.edu!


Stony Brook Children’s Hospital is looking for participants for a research study on a vaccine for the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)!

The study intends to investigate the clinical outcomes and antibody response to the vaccine.

Who can participate?
Children between the ages of 6 months and 25 months.
Parents of participants will be paid a stipend at every visit.

What is RSV?
Virus that causes infections of the lungs and respiratory tract.
Most children have been infected by age 2.
RSV can cause severe symptoms such as fever, severe cough, wheezing, and rapid/difficulty in breathing, and can lead to pneumonia and bronchiolitis.

Dr. Sharon Nachman is the Principal Investigator.
Call 631-444-8225 or 631-444-8832 for more information.


Volunteers needed for a clinical research trial

Are you between the ages of 20-70?
You may qualify to take part in a clinical research trial to evaluate a Non-invasive Fiber Optic Ophthalmic Device that measures molecular changes in the eye.
If you qualify to participate:
Your participation will consist of 1 office visit
You will receive a study-related eye exam at no cost
You will be compensated for your time

Give us a call to see if this clinical trial is right for you!
John R. Wittpenn, MD
4 Technology Drive, Suite150, Setauket, NY 11733
631 941 1400 | www.ocli.net


11. Children’s Program
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11. Food Related (strawberry fest, etc…)
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11. Summer Camps and Children’s Program
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11a. Summer Programs
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12. Miscellaneous

Dell Flash Sale (One Day Only!)

April 17 only: Save an extra 15% on select Dell PCs! Doorbuster sales start at 11am on April 17. Shop online at http://www.dell.com/stonybrook


iCREATE/DoIT Inventor Summer Camp

iCREATE/DoIT Inventor Summer Camp is a week-long adventure, middle school students will be immersed in state of the art technology and will learn how to brainstorm innovative designs, and transform them into products. July 9th – July 13th.

More information is on the website.


Ashley Schiff Nature Walks

Spring is here! The Friends of the Ashley Schiff Park Preserve invite everyone to attend weekly guided nature walks (“Bramble Rambles”) this semester, to be held every Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. The walks last approximately one hour, and start at the trailhead next to the wooden kiosk and boulder along Circle Rd., across from the end of Lake Dr. For more details, and for information on weather cancellations, see our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/AshleySchiffPreserve/), or contact Elise Lauterbur: mary.lauterbur@stonybrook.edu

13. Children’s Program
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13. Summer Programs
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SBU Google Apps
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