50/50/50… #31: The Weekly “Campus Announcements” E-mail

Sorry for the delay. I had some kerflooies in setting up the new domain (www.theadmissionsblog.com — change your bookmarks!), but I’m ready to roll again. In case you’ve just joined us: in my own private (public?) celebration of Stony Brook’s 50th anniversary this year, I’ve been counting through a list of 50 things that I love about Stony Brook. I got through the first thirty in thirty days, and now I’ll pick up the last twenty.

Every Monday morning, we get an e-mail listing the various events and things on campus that week. It’s really astonishing the amount of stuff that goes on around this campus. A quick shot through today’s list:

Sections 1-3 are mostly for employees; a note about a workshop for employees, a listing of a bunch of new physicians added to some of the departments over in the hospital, and information on some training workshops. But section 4 has a list of fourteen lectures and workshops available to everyone:

1. Sixth Antonija Prelec Memorial Lecture, November 12, 2007, 2-3:30 p.m.
2. Topics in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Seminars, Nov. 12 & 14
3. Ocean And Atmospheric Colloquium, November 16, 2007
4. Biochemistry & Cell Biology Seminar: Thursday, November 15, 2007
5. Center for Italian Studies/Stefano Vaccara Lecture:Tuesday, November 13: Change in time and location.
6. Provost’s Lecture Series
7. Neuroscience Seminar Series
8. Are We Recycling Hate? Hate Crimes: Seeking Solutions for Communities
9. SBU Institute for Global Studies Symposium: “Building Linkages between Civil Society and Constitutional Democracy in Iran”
10. Sociology Department Colloquium, “Diffusion in Social Networks: New Theory and Experiments”, November 15, 2007, 4:00 PM, SBS N403
11. Ecology and Evolution Seminar “Adaptive and Ecological Landscapes in RNA Virus Evolution”
12. Templeton Trust Lectures
13. Mechanical Engineering Distinguished Lecture: Behavior and Modeling of Nanocomposites. Friday, November 30, 2007
14. Dr. Kim Fortun of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Wednesday, November 14th at 4:30PM in room 1006 of Humanities

I’m not going to link all of these; links to all of these workshops are available here. Section 5 includes similar lectures, these ones available over in the hospital. Section 6 includes just one announcement, a request for help from the Stony Brook Cat Network, which has a surprisingly large presence on campus.

Section 7 includes eight different cultural events on campus this week, including the visit by the Deen brothers, an evening of Jazz sax and South Indian classical music, a production of Julius Caesar, a celebration of Diwali, a production from the Long Island Play Project, and a list of upcoming events at the University Cafe. Wow!

Stony Brook is, first and foremost, a research university. Section 9 is a listing of fourteen research study opportunities — some of them paid — that are looking for volunteers or research assistants.

And Section 10, my favorite section, is the Miscellaneous group. Want discount tickets to see the Islanders on Town of Brookhaven Night? Want to get involved in the Auxiliary’s 20th Annual Photo Contest? Interested in a $250 scholarship? You can find all that and more. (There’s even a note about Open House this weekend!)

I love reading this every week — sometimes I forget when I’m on the road and I’m swamped, but it’s a really fascinating list of things that span pretty much every facet of campus.

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