
The organizers of “Periods and Waves” would like to warmly thank the following individuals and organizations for their assistance:

  • Dean Sacha Kopp and the Stony Brook University’s Fine Arts, Humanities and (letter) Social Sciences (FAHSS) Interdisciplinary Initiatives Fund
  • Professor Margaret Schedel and Stony Brook University’s Consortium for Digital Arts, Technology, and Culture (cDACT)
  • Professor Kathleen Wilson and Stony Brook University’s Humanities Institute
  • Chair Perry Goldstein and Stony Brook University’s Music Department
  • Stony Brook University’s Cultures of Communication Lecture Series on the History of the Book

In addition, we thank our many colleagues and students who have devoted so much of their time and energy to this project, and have provided endless amounts of enthusiasm and support at every step of the way (with apologies for anyone we’ve left off!): Perry Goldstein, Margaret Schedel, Ryan Minor, Stephen Decatur Smith, Catherine Bradley, Margarethe Adams, Judith Lochhead, Jean Elyse Graham, Martha Zadok, Adrienne Unger, Michael Hershkowitz, Joshua Teplitsky, Anna Reguero, Alecia Barbour, Michael Boerner, Rebecca Lentjes, Jay Loomis, Matthew Brounley, Stephanie Jensen-Moulton, Jennifer Stoever, Robert Crease, Pamela Block, Michele Friedner, Marié Abe, Eric Zolov.