MAR 532: Marine Protected Areas — Belize



Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are increasingly being used as a tool to restore and preserve marine ecosystems, as well as in the management of depleted fisheries. In MAR 532 students will spend 8 days inside a fully functioning MPA at Glover’s Reef atoll, Belize. Hosted by Dr. Demian Chapman, students will learn about how the MPA was established, how it is being enforced and scientifically monitored and, most importantly, directly experience how MPAs can enrich coral reef ecosystems and restore populations of depleted apex predators such as snapper, grouper and sharks. Students will participate in monitoring and research efforts in the field. Back at SoMAS students will learn more about the global experience with MPAs.
For more details about the course please email Dr. Chapman at Non-SBU students can also apply to participate in this field experience.

Marine Conservation and Policy Program, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences,  Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-5000