·The Natural Environment· *PART1*
By Felicity (Photos taking on 02/19/24 & 02/21/24 US Based) All Using Canon EOS6D2
1. Correct exposure
ISO 5000|f/4.5|1/100s
ISO 5000|f/4.5|1/100s
ISO 1600|f/5|1/30s
2. Overexposure
ISO 1600|f/4.5|1/6s
3. Underexposure
ISO 400|f/4.5|1/100s
4. Highest ISO setting
ISO 8000|f/4.5|1/400s
5. Lowest ISO setting
ISO 200|f/4.5|1/80s
6. Correct White Balance setting
ISO 2500|f/4.5|1/125s
ISO 250|f/4.5|1/200s
7. Incorrect White Balance setting
ISO 1600|f/4.5|1/125s
8. Incorrect White Balance setting
ISO 1600|f/4.5|1/125s
9. Shallow depth of field (use wide aperture)
ISO 1600|f/22|1/6s
10. Deep depth of field (use narrow aperture)
ISO 1600|f/4|1/200s
11. Stopping (freezing) of rapid motion (use fast shutter speed) –of moving subject
ISO 20000|f/4.5|1/320s
12. Blurring of rapid motion (use slow shutter speed) –of moving subject
ISO 200|f/4|1/4s
13. Standard (straight–forward) angle of view upon subject
ISO 1000|f/4.5|1/125s
14. Alternative angle of view of subject
ISO 1000|f/4.5|1/125s
ISO 1600|f/4.5|1/125s