#18: Sorority Supports Girls on the Run

The week before finals is not your typical time for student volunteering, but that doesn’t stop the young ladies of Alpha Sigma Alpha.

The group participates in a 5k event through Girls on the Run, a national organization dedicated to inspiring girls  in grades 3-8 to be healthy, joyful and confident.


Sorority sisters from Alpha Sigma Alpha are ready to run and encourage young girls to pursue their dreams.

Involvement in the annual 5k run has increased for the sorority. This year, they had six  volunteers participate as running buddies,  each one paired up with a young girl to walk, run or sprint the race together.

Others from the group gave their their time to help with the event logistics such as set-up and take down.  One student, Sarah Elsesser, a senior journalism major,  became a running buddy for the first time this year. “I was really inspired to do the run after seeing last year how excited the girls were,” said Elsesser.

The Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority sisters traveled to New Jersey in the past to attend the event, and found a local chapter in Nassau County for this year.

Girls on the Run uses running to inspire and motivate girls. They meet in small groups to learn life skills and encourage them to pursue their dreams.