#4 Dance as Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease Patients

Biology major Louis Susca ’16 was looking for a lab with an interpersonal focus. He found it in Stony Brook’s Center For Dance, Movement and Somatic Learning, where Founding Director Amy Yopp Sullivan leads a workshop designed to enhance the lives of Parkinson’s patients. 

Every week during the academic year, Susca assists as a small group of patients experience the benefits of movement, dance and creative thinking.

Stony Brook, NY; Stony Brook University: Amy Sullivan's dance and movement class that is helping Parkinson's disease patients. Student Luis Susca is involved.
Amy Sullivan’s dance and movement class with student volunteer Louis Susca helps Parkinson’s disease patients achieve physical and psychological improvements to their health.

For Susca, studying neurological science means more than just hitting the books. The workshop has taught him the importance of a supportive environment, a collaborative spirit and a positive attitude.

The positive effects of the workshop are visible on the patients’ faces. “The women greet me with a hug while the men offer a very positive and firm handshake,” said Louis. “You know you’re in a good place when they walk through the door.”

Learn more about the Center for Dance, Movement and Somatic Learning: http://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/dance/