#22 Seawolves Stock the Pantry in Food Frenzy

Food insecurity is a problem for many people across the country. At Stony Brook, members of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) participated in the America East Conference Food Frenzy as a way to help stock the local food pantry.

Each institution in the conference collected food items as part of a competition.  The team from SAAC was proud to report that Stony Brook won.


The SAAC holds an annual Thanksgiving Food Drive, and collected the most donations this year.

Nearly 1,200 food items were collected in person, and more than 800 items were donated through an online charitable giving service, You Give Goods. The donations were collected outside of local grocery stores, and donors were encouraged to share health-conscious items.

The donations were delivered to the Stony Brook University On-Campus Food Pantry on November 21 by the student athletes. They were able to fill the pantry and have enough left over for restocking.

The SAAC is a group of student athletes with members representing each athletic team. They meet bi-weekly to coordinate department initiatives and community service projects. The students  take pride in being able to give back directly to their campus community.

The SBU Food Pantry is open to all students, faculty and staff.

Learn more about Stony Brook Athletics: http://stonybrookathletics.com/