#1 Project Sunshine Brightens Days at Stony Brook Children’s Hospital

This fall, Project Sunshine partnered with the Faculty Student Association (FSA) on the Plant Sale at CommUniversity Day on September 22. Anthony Gentile, FSA Manager of Machine Operated Services donated spider plants, fig trees and avocado plants that he planted and nurtured in his own home.

Through their efforts, they raised over $500 for the national organization. This money will be used to provide more programs and activities for children all over the country.

“I’ve grown these plants, and now I can donate them to a cause where they can be sold to raise money to help children and families that are facing tough times, because I know how difficult it is to go through that,” said Ahana Maheshwari, Chapter Leader.

Project Sunshine is a nonprofit organization with chapters on college campuses across the country. Their mission is to provide free social, educational and recreational programming for children and their families as they face medical challenges.

Stony Brook University’s chapter is dedicated to volunteering weekly in Stony Brook Children’s Hospital, as well as leading initiatives on campus in support of the children and families there. They seek to restore a sense of normalcy to the pediatric healthcare environment and spread cheer to the children undergoing treatment.

Read more: http://www.stonybrook.edu/happenings/student-spotlight/grad-students-pedal-their-way-to-understanding/