All posts by Joan Dickinson

#30 “SUNY’s Got Your Back” An Overwhelming Success at SBU

SUNY’s Got Your Back initiative provides SUNY campuses across the state with materials to make comfort kits for victims and survivors of sexual and interpersonal violence and raise awareness and support for prevention and response to sexual violence.

Renowned DJ and activist Zeke Thomas joined as guest speaker and performed a music set at the event .

Stony Brook University, in collaboration with State University of New York (SUNY), hosted the SUNY’s Got Your Back at SBU event on Monday, March 11.

Long sets of tables were spread out around the Ballroom A in the Student Activities Center. SUNY donated all the items to create the comfort kits, but more than 200 volunteers, from approximately 177 different student clubs and organizations, helped set up and organize the materials such as cloth towel, cosmetic kits, tissues, toothbrushes, notebooks and writing utensils, which the over 300 participants then gathered and put into the bright blue bags.

Renowned DJ and activist Zeke Thomas made an appearance as the guest speaker and performed a set for the participants as an appreciation for their work.

Thomas is the son of basketball legend Isiah Thomas and a survivor of sexual assault, and aims to raise awareness about the issues of sexual violence and survivor support through the platform of his music. He partnered with SUNY to perform at many of the campuses hosting SUNY’S Got Your Back throughout the year.

Stony Brook’s Center for Prevention and Outreach reached out to multiple departments and organizations on campus, including Student Affairs, Undergraduate Colleges, Graduate Student Organization, Faculty Student Association, and Stony Brook Athletics, about partnering on the event.

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#27 First Student Conference Focused on Diversity Leadership

More than 150 student leaders and aspiring student leaders gathered on a Saturday morning in October to learn ways to strengthen Stony Brook’s diverse campus community through inclusive practices in the first Student Diversity Leadership Conference.

Left to right: Kiara Arias, USG Director of Diversity Affairs; Keynote Speaker Christina Vargas; Dr. Rick Gatteau, VP for Student Affairs and Dean of Students; and Cheryl Chambers, Associate Dean for Multicultural Affairs.

The conference, spearheaded by the Office of Multicultural Affairs, and in collaboration with Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, Faculty Student Association, Undergraduate Student Government, and other campus areas, was conceived as a learning opportunity where students could not only develop their leadership skills through the lens of intersectionality, but also enhance students’ understanding of how diversity and inclusion apply to the development of their life skills and career goals.

Primary funding for this initiative was provided by a Presidential Diversity Initiative Grant.

The theme “Ignite The Student Leader in You!” was chosen by the planning committee to represent the goals of this conference, the first of its kind at Stony Brook.

“This conference was designed to inspire students to become campus leaders who will help shape Stony Brook as a diverse learning environment where everyone feels they belong and have a place,” explained Cheryl Chambers, Associate Dean for Multicultural Affairs.

“This event is important to me because it’s an opportunity for student leaders to come together and really work together to create a more inclusive environment on campus,” said Kiara Arias’ 21, Political Science student and one of the event organizers.

Read the full story.


#26 Seawolves Enjoy Friendsgiving Celebration

Seawolves gathered at the Student Activities Center Food Court on Thanksgiving Day to attend the annual brunch offering a traditional meal with all of the comforts of home. The dining area was set up as a restaurant to deliver an upscale dining experience.

The Faculty Student Association (FSA) and CulinArt hosted this celebration to give students the opportunity to enjoy a homestyle Thanksgiving.

The delicious menu included the traditional hand carved roast turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce, country stuffing, yukon gold smashed potatoes, candied yams, sautéed green beans with crispy onions, quinoa stuffed acorn squash, harvest casserole, and desserts such as apple pie, pumpkin pie, and apple cider. Vegan root vegetable pot pie and stuffed filet of sole were also offered.

As FSA Executive Director Van Sullivan served students at the event, he said: “Our culinary team prepared an amazing meal for all of our guests that couldn’t make it home for the holidays, and the FSA is happy to continue this annual tradition.”

The event had a turnout of nearly 300 guests, which included several volunteers that attended to help serve the students, including Jeffrey Barnett, Interim Associate Dean of Students.

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