Design Brief


The home page features the footer for each page as well


The end user for Park’s Martial Arts can vary greatly. End users are split in the reason they looking for a Martial Arts Studio. Some are looking to compete, others may be looking to learn self defense, and there are also those who are just looking for a new hobby to past time. End users are not limited by gender. Age of the end user can vary greatly. The younger limit would probably be around 16 since at this age one is usually able to make a decision to join a Martial Arts Studio by themselves. The upper limit is only limited by any given individual’s body.

For those that are looking to compete, end users are generally younger. These users are looking for an exciting, practical, and effective Martial Art. These users are also generally looking to learn the sparring aspect of the martial art. These users may be discouraged from joining Park’s Martial Art since the style of Tae Kwon Do (WTF – World Taekwondo Federation) is not geared towards fighting. The ideal situation for this type of end user would be to see if this is an effective martial art. Having a curriculum laid out and videos to demonstrate the skills you will learn would be draw in these end users.

The end users that wish to learn self defense have the largest age range. They are looking to learn a practical martial art to defend themselves. Self defense is a core component of the Park’s Martial Arts curriculum and would be desirable to those looking to improve their self defense skills. The site would need to be simple to navigate as many different ages of people will be visiting. Again, similar to the first group being able to see the skills you will learn is crucial. Having videos to demonstrate techniques will give this type of end user reassurance to join.

The last group are those looking for a new hobby. This is the simplest type of end user compared to the other groups. Their age generally younger but not as strict as the competitive group. These end users are looking for a fun time while also getting a workout. What makes Park’s Martial Arts niche is its community. Park’s hosts many events and is more family orientated. This would be the largest selling point for end users looking for a new hobby.

Having a simpler layout that can direct users to video examples is present in all groups. Having an examples would incite those looking for a Martial Arts Studio much more inclined to joining. The ideal situation for a typical end user would be a simple site that gives demonstrations of what is being taught and a simple sign up process.

Color Palette