Type Sampler:
During the process of choosing a typeface appropriate to go with design of the logo, I wanted to choose a font that was minimalistic, clean cut, and crisp, aligning with paper-making techniques in origami. In addition, I utilized green within the text to emphasize the wholistic and peace that can be found through the art of paper-making and creation of various structures through origami. As a result, for the logo design, I decided upon the Beckman Free font due to its simplicity yet its ability to represent the minimalism of origami alongside the corresponding logo’s clean-cut look. Beckman Free is also an uppercase-only font, which emphasized drawing the reader in towards the club’s name and, most importantly, that the club is located at SBU. In addition, I chose to utilize the ‘Tw Cen MT’ and ‘Leelawadee’ fonts for the subheader and body, respectively. These fonts emphasized a feeling of simplicity and the typeface consisted of strokes of even width, emphasizing and further symbolizing a clean yet simple look that parallels that of the logo and the activity of creating clean folds when papermaking. Most importantly, these fonts were legible and did not take away from allowing readers to see and understand the logo and organization’s name clearly.