In the home page, I wanted to keep it simple and only display my icons, logo, and typography. This way, the first thing the user will see is my logo, and it will be easy for them to navigate to whichever page they want to next. Since there wasn’t much to display, I decided to put my logo and icons in the center of my page. The four other pages my website will have will be the projects, resume, about me, and contacts pages. When the use clicks on any other icon, the icon sets will be moved to the upper right while the typography remains the same. The icon of the page the user is on will be slightly larger than the rest, so as to inform the user of where they are. Along with that, the name of the page will also be displayed. I thought a good way to connect the page to the icons would be to extend the network lines on my icons and set it into the shape of a page.
I kept the contact me section pretty straightforward as well as the about me page. For my projects page I decided to have a image of each project along with a description. Similar to my infographic, I decided to connect the image to the description using a network line so that the user will know which description will apply to which project. So my resume section, I decided to include my infographic along with my resume. The infographic will serve as a summary of my resume, and my actual resume a more professional version. I also included a download link in case the user wanted to do so.