Persona Type: Incoming Commuter Freshman (This persona was chosen since this would be the type of person most inclined to join the CSA)
Name: None
Age: 17-20
Location: Most likely within 20 miles of Stony Brook University
Technical Comfort: Assumed to be comfortable enough with using a computer/smartphone to navigate the internet and social media
Job Title: Student
This person likely grew up somewhere in Long Island, and given that they are an incoming freshman into SBU, they are probably academically inclined and involved in some extra curriculars.
As an incoming freshman, getting acclimated to college and campus life can be very difficult. Especially as a commuter, it may seem harder to get a sense of community at SBU as you are not constantly on campus and around other students. On top of this, important info about parking passes and Covid Vaccination Requirements seem to be sparsely sent out in seemingly random emails, making it hard for commuters to centralize key information.
This organization could be seen as just another extraneous, unnecessary club that wouldn’t provide much actual use to an incoming commuter who may already feel overwhelmed by the many things they have to acclimate to. As a result, it is important to make ease of use and intuitiveness the priorities for the website. Added to this, the website must be as concise as possible.
Their Ideal Experience:
The website should provide a simple, informative, and intuitive experience for the user. If they have a problem with information related to commuters, there should be a quick tab to navigate to with FAQ’s, or if they want to know when and where meetings and events are, a calendar with clearly labeled events should be included as well as a map of SBU and marking the important locations. Keeping in mind a newer student to SBU would still be learning the ropes of campus and settling in so if the info seems basic that actually works in the user’s favor.
‘Using the CSA website made it easier to acclimate to being a commuter at SBU and gain a better sense of community here!”
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