
Wireframes for Prince Tea House’s Website:

Smartphone Screen Wireframe:



When thinking about the wireframe for Prince Tea House’s website, I wanted to go for a minimalist look with a mostly white background and occasional purple accents. Since images of the tea house’s interior and menu items are featured on the home page, I wanted to use them to tell the story and capture viewers’ attention. For the front page, I plan on having a gallery of images which changes every couple of seconds and a short description of the place. For the menu page, I plan to have a small navigation bar at the top that brings the page down to the menu category selected. Each menu section will also feature the icons that I created previously. The next page will detail the locations of Prince Tea House in New York. It will show the five locations’ addresses on the left and a live map on the right. Next, the about page will feature an image or images and the background story/motivations behind the franchise. The last page is just a simple contact box asking for name, email, and the message. I have also included what the website will look like on mobile: mostly the same format except the main navigation bar is to be condensed into a drop-down menu on the top right.