Persona # 1
Name: Chansey Lee
Age: 25
Location: Stony Book, NY
Job Title: University Student
Chansey Lee is an international student studying Computer Science at Stony Brook University. Extended periods of time away from her home of Singapore has left her craving for Chinese herbs and medicine to alleviate the muscle aches from the sleepless nights spent hunched over her laptop coding away like the hunchback of Notre Dame. Frustrated by the lack of Chinese apothecaries along Long Island, Chansey decided to venture into the city in search of her childhood ointment – Tiger Balm – to alleviate her migraines and sore nerd neck, a condition that is unfortunately quite prevalent amongst the Computer Science community. Luckily, Chansey stumbled upon the United Health Pharmacy, a pharmacy that also serves as a Chinese apothecary with their extensive supply of Chinese herbal medicine, topical products, and other goods.
Chansey likes to visit the United Health Pharmacy for their wide array of Chinese herbal medicine, topical products, as well as Chinese snacks that remind her of her Chinese culture. She also goes to the pharmacy to pick up her prescriptions from time to time, and she appreciates the personable customer service.
Chansey’s only gripe is that the United Health Pharmacy has no online presence to promote their business. She would really appreciate it if there would be a website that details all the services provided by the pharmacy as well as a list of all the products that they sell in store.
Persona # 2
Name: Daniel Lee
Age: 58
Location: New York, NY
Job Title: Mechanical Engineer
Daniel Lee is a jaded mechanical engineer who has lost much of his youthful energy to corporate life and is left with arthritis, a bad back, and indigestion issues. However, since he lives in Chinatown, NY, he can easily access the United Health Pharmacy for their services and products that not only alleviate his health issues but also remind him of his home back in Shanghai, China.
Daniel frequently visits the United Health Pharmacy for prescription refills as well as over-the-counter Chinese herbal supplements for his heartburn. From time to time, he would buy a back brace for his lower back pain as well as a knee brace to mitigate the pain of climbing stairs. And of course, he also likes to buy a pack of mints every time he visits the pharmacy.
Daniel would like for the United Health Pharmacy to have a website where he can browse through their many products to see what the store offers to address any of the potential issues that may arise with his aging body.
Persona # 3
Name: Chun Hua
Age: 88
Location: New York, NY
Job Title: Unemployed Grandma
Chun Hua is a sweet elderly woman from Guangzhou, China, who likes to frequent Columbus Park, where many of the elderly of Chinatown often gather to talk and play games such as Chinese Poker or Weiqi (Chinese chess). Chun Hua has been a resident of Chinatown for approximately 40 years now and has been a happy customer of the United Health Pharmacy since its inception, more than 20 years ago.
Chun Hua likes to visit the United Health Pharmacy to say hi when she is out and in the area. She also visits the pharmacy to pick up prescription refills for high cholesterol and chronic pain, and she appreciates that the pharmacists always give her a clear and digestible review of her medications. Since Chun Hua only speaks Chinese, she likes to bring some of her mail to the pharmacy for the bilingual staff there to translate the contents of the letters to her. She really likes the staff at the United Health Pharmacy and is grateful for their services.
Chun Hua does not have much to complain other than the fact that there may be a bit of a wait when picking up her prescription from time to time, but she understands that walk-ins take longer to receive their prescriptions as opposed to appointments.
Color Palette
Mood Board
This mood board captures the essence of the United Health Pharmacy and its mission to create a welcoming community where quality healthcare is provided to ensure the wellness of their patients.
At the center of this mood board is a word cloud in the shape of a heart that represents the care and compassion that the United Health Pharmacy has towards enhancing the quality of life of individuals. The word cloud encapsulates the mission of the United Health Pharmacy to be the family that provides their community of patients with the strength, support, and care that they need to live a happy and healthy life.
Surrounding the word cloud are drugs as well as icons that represent the individuals, homes, and community that the United Health Pharmacy serves.
And of course, the color scheme of the mood board consists of the United Health Pharmacy’s signature shades of green and gold to represent vitality, care, and joy!
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