Game UI

Start Screen

For my start screen game ui mockup, I opted to simply display the game map alongside the start and how to play buttons. My game is a stealth game in which the user plays as a ninja who must covertly run around stealing loot from the space station as seen above. The station contains numerous guards and the player must be careful in order to not be caught.

Gameplay Screen

In this gameplay screen, you can see the user’s character, the red ninja, being caught in the view of one of the guards. The guard’s field of view can be seen by the rays of light coming from his flashlight. The user is also alerted to when the guard detects them by the large red exclamation point at the top of their head.

Mission Complete Screen

In this screen, the user has successfully completed a mission, albeit with some errors, such as alerting a guard and not gathering as much loot as possible. Due to this, upon reaching the target square on the ground, when the mission report screen pops up, they only receive a 3 star rating.