
Type Design:

Font: Made Sunflower

Reasoning: Made Sunflower is a serif font that shows off modernness and clear crisp design. This is something that also denotes what JSO is made of. All of their flyers hint of a modern design along with clean and crisp lines and ease of readability.


Primary Fonts:

Style: Bold 700

Usage: Headers

Style: Light 300

Usage: Sub-headers

Reasoning: The reason why I chose the Merriweather font for my website, as it is a sans-serif font, exuding modernness. It is also just incredibly pleasant and easy to read, which is why I elected to choose it for both my headers and my sub-headers.

Style: Regular 400

Usage: Body copy

Style: Light 300

Usage: Captions

Reasoning: The reason why i chose the Roboto Slab font for my website is that it is a proven good pairing with Merriweather, with Merriweather being the header and Roboto acting as the body font. Additionally, once again it is quite easy to read so it was an easy choice for my body and caption text.