Persona Type: Student
- Name: Nayan Pasari
- Age: 20
- Location: Stony Brook, NY, USA
- Technical Comfort: Full-stack software programming
- Major: Computer Science
- Academic Status: Senior, graduating May 2022
- Back Story
- Completed an internship this summer 2021 and got really interested in UI
- Reads newspaper to stay updated about the country’s situation as well as information surrounding it
- Currently enrolled for CSE 333 to explore more into UI
- Likes to be caught in a good book now and then
- Motivations:
- To be able to read and gain knowledge and stay updated on what’s happening on Stony Brook campus
- Be able to connect to more students who love reading, and are passionate about their work
- Frustrations:
- So many books and things to read, so less time
- Their ideal experience:
- A place where one can find all the information regarding what’s happening at Stony Brook
- Information specs of the website could include sports, multimedia, opinions, culture, weather, entertainment
- Have an interactive news page that also gives information on current covid cases
- Quote: “Being able to read, listen, argue, be argued – gaining an insight and a good understanding of what goes around Stony Brook”
Color Palette
The colors that I have used for my client “The Statesman” are #111111, #0F5FA6, #A60808, #B9B7B2, #F5E6DA.
These colors convey like the feel of a Stony Brook student interested in reading a newspaper that serves SBU. I made use of “Extract Theme” feature to create a palette based on the photo of Statesman newspaper, my client’s product. My color choices also suggest a combination of all the colors one would want to see on a newspaper giving the user a great readability experience ranging from dark to light shades. Black and blue evoke power, and elegance, while red – the warm color makes one feel energized, and the last two colors connote formality, professionalism and maturity.