Design Brief

Wireframe 4 Screens


Name: Jeremy Clientman
Age: 18-25
Location: United States
Technical Comfort: Very good with computers
Job Title: Freelance Player/Pro Player

Back story:
Clients of Garlic Gaming are typically younger adults looking to break into the professional esport market. Clients have spent a good part of their younger years practicing ang playing esports for at least a few years of their lives, and are ready to take the next step in their journey, choosing Garlic Gaming to lead them.

Clients typically hear of Garlic Gaming through advertising, and being contacted directly by Garlic Gaming representatives. They need this service as they are unable to enter certain esprt leagues without the support and backing of a team, which is what Garlic Gaming provides. Some concerns are if the organization will be able to procure other players of similar skill level to the client in order to fill out a esport team.

Clients may be sceptical on the size or scale of our organization which leads to them choosing other options. Clients may also be afraid that the organization will not be provide them everything they require in order to make it as a pro player, such as travel accommodations and ample compensation for their services. The biggest issue would be the other organizations in the business being bigger already established groups being more enticing and having more capital than our relatively small organization. With our name being relatively small, potential clients are disinclined to choose our services.

Their ideal experience:
After Jeremy Clientman worked hard in high school to become the star player on his high school esport team, he immediatly sought out a organization to help bring his talents to the big stage. He sought out Garlic Gaming, and after a brief interview, was signed by the organization. Jeremy then was brought to his first tournament, where he was able to play with his teammates and get first place out of the sixteen teams invited. This allowed him to be entered into the pro circuit, where he played for the better part of a year, earning a good amount of compensation for his efforts. Through the superstar roster that Garlic Gaming was able to procure, Jeremy was able to win the world championship securing his new reputation as the greatest player to ever touch the game, with Garlic Gaming supporting him all the way.

Garlic Gaming took a talented rising star, and turned them into the world champion.