
Black and White:

This is an icon to symbolizing voting. The National Residence Hall Honorary’s members regularly vote on students, faculty and staff of the month that are submitted through an online database.

This is an icon to symbolizing adding. it could potentially be used to serve as an add button for nominations on a responsive web app or website design.

This is an icon to symbolizing home. This could be used on a web design or a responsive web app to be a home button.

This is an icon to symbolizing a “super like”. Since NRHH members are able to vote on items, they can positively share nominations and thus “super like” them with this symbol. Designed to resemble a lightning bolt – it is intuitive to understand as it represents something extraordinary an individual has done.

This is an icon to symbolizing a “refresh”. Since NRHH members are able to vote on items, they can refresh a page to see the updated number of votes each nomination has and how many like it also has.

This is an icon to symbolizing an action complete. Resembling a double check, an end user would be able to select this symbol so an end user can verify that they completed an assigned action or read a certain item.


Following the color palette, the following icons were designed to incorporated the highlight (orange) color defined previously. They could potentially be used to change color to indicate the icon was selected.