Home Page Screenshot
Screenshots of Other Pages
Notes and Design Rationale for Responsive Web UI
For the Web UI, I created the Home, About, Events, Sponsors, and Gallery pages. The navigation bar at the top will allow the user to click on the page they want to view. It will also indicate if the user is hovering over a particular button, which gives the user feedback on how they are interacting with the site.
On the Home page, I show what the bottom navigation menu would look like. The navigation is also clickable, and will bring the user to the appropriate page. There is also a link that will allow the user to email the Stony Brook Computing Society. The social media icons are also clickable and will direct the user to SBCS’s social media links for Facebook, Discord, the mailing list, and Instagram. This allows the user to easily join the community.
The About page shows a carousel gallery of the different aspects that SBCS has to offer to the Stony Brook community.
The Events page has SBCS’s Google Calendar for their events. The user can click within the iFrame of the Google Calendar to view recent SBCS events.
The Sponsors page has a transition gallery showing the SBCS sponsors. It also has a form with responsive text inputs for an email address and first and last name. When the user clicks the “Submit your Resume!” button, the user will see a message indicating that the form was successfully submitted.
Lastly, the gallery shows photos and videos along with captions indicating the event information and date.