Black & White Version:
Color Version:
Type Sampler:
Typography Design Rationale:
For the typography, I included elements that represent the Stony Brook Computing Society in the letters themselves, such as a computer and the Stony Brook University logo. I also included the circuit icon, as this is a recognizable aspect of SBCS’s current logo. In addition, because this is a technology club, all the fonts in the logotype are Sans Serif to demonstrate a modern look. This club is also a professional club and aims to be a club with the authority to provide course scheduling advice, technical workshops, and networking events, so I used blue and black for the font color. The fonts Militech and Calamitech in the logotype further emphasize the technology theme of the club. Because “Computing” is the main word out of the entire club name, I contrasted that word with the rest of the club name using Calamitech. I also italicized “Computing” to show that the club represents progress and advancement. For the Type Sampler, I used Militech as the main heading because it matches the font in the Logotype. Heading 2 and Body will be used more often throughout the website, so I opted for two fonts that offered a professional look: Techna Sans Regular and Source Sans Variable. The font sizes and font styles are different, which allows the user to easily distinguish between the body text and any headings.