
Color Version

B&W version

Type Sampler:

Heading and Subheading Font (sans-serif font): Alatsi


Heading font would be around 32 pt.

Subheading font would be around 24 pt.


Body Copy and Captions Font (serif font): Peddana



Another body copy and captions font (serif font): Cormorant


Alatsi header (32 pt) with Peddana body text (18 pt) ^

For captions the font would be around 12 pt.


Alatsi header (32 pt) with Coromorant body text (18 pt)

For captions the font would be around 11 pt.


Simple explanation of Typography:

It includes my name with the dot on the j being a cpu to show that computers are the central part of me; visually my name cannot be shown without my passion for computing being highlighted. Preceding and after my name is the code syntax with the </> which is also what is shown on the monitor after my name to once again mention my love for computer science and more specifically data science. The statistical portion of data science is highlighted with the zig-zag trends above and below my name. It also utilizes mainly brown and a little bit of green for wholistic, some orange and a very light red for a bit of impact. The 3-D effect is given to show some more impact to potential recruiters with a sans-serif based main font which was chosen to highlight the modern/tech vibe.