

“Emotion and Motion of Music”


Music is one of the most powerful media for expressing feelings and emotions.

Enter a quiet space, the music starts with a grand piano sound from a magic music box. Several choices of other sounds of instruments (guitar, cymbal, snare, clap, etc.) are added progressively. A changing process of emotion and motion with goes from curious and quiet to happy and joyful will be visualized. Movements of instruments will also be shown.

(If you haven’t gotten my idea of instrumental movements, please click the source link below! That’s the type of scene that I want to build. That is also a clip from my favorite movie.)


To use graphics, video, and animation to illustrate the indoor environments, motions of instruments, and motions of the magic music box. Audio will be elaborately made for providing sounds of corresponding instruments. A 3D model of the main instruments and magic music box(guitar, piano, drums, etc.) will be built.


The target audience will be anyone interested in music.


The motion of music( jump and start from 0:50 will be good : ) )
