The Energized Bunny: A Journey to Charge

Title: The Energized Bunny: A Journey to Charge
Brief Synopsis: 
(1) Really safe option: Have a robot bunny be plugged into wall outlet and have its eyes flicker on.
(2) A robotic bunny that starts off with tired and with low battery. It will slowly move toward a wall outlet. Once charging itself, its eyes will flicker on more brightly.
If enough time, a potential trailer description: Join us as we follow the adventures of a robot bunny named Mallo, who needs to recharge her batteries in order to function properly. Throughout this educational and entertaining 3D animation, we’ll learn about the importance of energy sources for robots and how Mallo travels to different places in search of a source of power. Along the way, we’ll see how Mallow uses her various capabilities, including hopping and light-up eyes, to overcome obstacles and reach her goal. In the end, we’ll see Mallow’s eyes flicker back on as she successfully recharges and continues on her journey.
Target Audience: Children aged 6-12 who are interested in science and technology.
References: Robotics blueprints, illustrations and animations of energy sources and circuits
5,942 Blueprints Robots Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Animals Robot designs, themes, templates and downloadable graphic elements on Dribbble
Energy Source Images - Free Download on Freepik