Project Draft

334 Term Project Proposal

Kaelan Charles

Title: “Components of a PC”

Synopsis: A PC (personal computer) is made of many parts that work together which allows society to achieve a lot more than by hand in a very short amount of time from their own home, making it one of the greatest inventions of all time.

Objective: The objective of this would be to show an animation of what each main component of the PC would look like. There will then be an explanation of what the PC part does and how they work with the other parts. Then finally it will show where the part would be placed in the PC to function properly. The video will cover at least 8 important parts of the PC.

Audience: The targeted audience would be for all ages, most likely for those who are interested in technology and/or would like to build their own PC in the future.



334 Term Project Proposal

Kaelan Charles

Title: “Persistence”

Synopsis: Persistence means to keep continuing with your actions despite failure. This is an important trait to pick up on throughout your life as persistence ensures that you can reach your full potential.

Objective: The objective for this piece would be to portray a story of persistence using the sport basketball as an example. The character in the video will start off trying to become better at shooting a basketball. The sequence would most likely go as the character becoming better and better over time after failing a lot at first.

Audience: The targeted audience would most likely be for a younger audience, as an older audience would most likely be more experienced with learning about being persistent in their goals, opposed to a younger audience that may give up easily when hardship comes their way.