Project Description

334 Term Project Proposal

Kenny Lee


Title: The Jumping Wolf


A wolf is primarily thought of as a predator who only hunts and kills in the forest but in the jumping wolf, it is also an animal that simply tries to get by in the forest.

Planned storyboard:
The wolf encounters a fallen log while walking through the forest attempts to jump over it, fails the first time, and falls flat on the ground. The second attempt lets it jump over the log and walk away.


To use a 3D model, perspectives, and sound effects to show an animal moving about in its daily life through another lens than the stereotypical viewpoint of them. The 3D model will be built using Blender. A moral of this animation is to demonstrate the idea of “if you didn’t succeed, try again.”


The target audience is for young children who are interested in simple short animations, ex: children who are accompanying their parents to see a kid-friendly tv show, ages 5 and above.


Wolf Anatomy (Will probably simplify this for only movement of legs and tail)

Blender guide:

Wolf in motion:

Dog in vertical motion but slowed down:

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