Project Proposal

Title: “The Better Bot”

Synopsis: Millions of years have passed since plans to populate Mars were made, and since then the reach of humans has expanded greatly across the universe, life has been found all over, and of course, technology is at its most innovative and strongest. Around this time every century, there is a robot that is claimed the best robot fighter in the universe. An annual tournament that gathers the strongest fighters across this universe takes place in an arena in the dark depths of space, far from any type of life. These humanoids risk their lives intensely fighting their way to the finals, but of course only two can make it. It is not until this final moment that we find out who the better bot is.

Objective: Use video and animation to create a human-like action scene between humanoids. The audio. Not many sources will be used for clips or images, as this is all just a short fighting scene.

Audience: The audience for this project would simply be anyone interested in scenes involving action, such as fighting or arguing; young children, teenagers, adults, anyone basically.