
Title: Da Vinci Takes Flight



Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 – 1519) was an artist known for his paintings such as the Mona Lisa. However, he was also an expert in many different fields, from the arts to the sciences. Because of this, his notebooks are filled with wonderful sketches and creations. Many of these sketches are creative inventions / machines, like flying machines and weapons, etc. This project will visualize one of the sketches: the flying machine, also called the “Ornithopter”.



Show Da Vinci’s sketches and use 3D graphics to build each part and assemble the machine. Show the machine in action and how it would have theoretically worked.



The target audience would be children / young adults who are learning about Da Vinci and want an interesting and entertaining way to learn about his work. It will be similar to the types of short videos shown in classrooms.



Leonardo Da Vinci’s Robots


Flying Machine Mock Up,never%20built%20by%20the%20designer.


Da Vinci Inventions Visualized