Project Description
Title: “Kendrick & Phoebe”
Synopsis: I have two plants in my room named Kendrick and Phoebe (…yes I named my plants), and I’m going to edit an animated short about what happens to plants on a daily basis, how they move with/towards the sun and what they do when they get watered, etc. I want to make it as if they “come alive” when they can’t be seen by a person (like in Toy Story).
Objective: To use graphics, video, and animation to make a cute video that brings the life of plants into a new, fun perspective for viewers. I want to make sure I accurately portray my plants physically, as well as giving them life-like movements so the audience can see them as more than just stationary foliage.
Audience: My audience is going to be younger children, as this is not going to be a technically complex topic or a teardown, it’s just a fun animation for kids to enjoy!
Sources: YouTube: Blender Plant Tutorial, Succulent Plant Tutorial
Photo references of my plants:
Contact Info
My Stony Brook email is
Click here to go to my Google Drive folder and see all of my work!