Project Description

334 Term Project Proposal

Richard Guerriere

Title: “VR Gaming Dungeon”


This short film will be entirely from the first-person perspective. It will open with the main character sitting at his computer desk staring at a monitor, representing how traditional video games are not entirely immersive. Then the character will put on his VR headset and suddenly be completely absorbed into the game world. A game UI on the screen as well as special effects will make the viewer forget that the main character of the film is even still sitting at his desk, as monsters attack him and he fights them back. The film will end with the character pausing the game and removing his headset and entering back into reality.


“VR Gaming Dungeon” will attempt to portray how immersive VR can be, and will hopefully spark more interest in the developing of this technology as well as the consumption of the currently available VR games and tools.


The intended audience for this would be those in the age range of around 14-30 who are interested in video games and technology in general.


Top 10 VR Games – Fall 2018

Inspiration will be drawn from this video particularly in figuring out how the camera angles work in VR to create the most realistic animation.