1. Followed the instructions:
• A storyboard was uploaded to the student’s project documentation web site, URL was sent to course email.
• Storyboard is appropriately sized for web display.
2. Met the design criteria:
• Multiple panels present the narrative of the approved topic as keyframes.
• The storyboard has a title that is aesthetically appropriate for the chosen topic.
• Dialogs and or captions are used to describe action, details, or audio events.
• Typography is legible, no typographical errors.
• Consistent look and feel to the art (does not blend disparate elements such as photographs and clipart).
• Use of diverse camera angles (POV) to create interest in the narrative.
• The story has a beginning, middle, and end.
• Overall color scheme is attractive and appropriate for story and audience.
• Good technical execution (images are clear and crisp, cropped appropriately, etc)
That’s 10 criteria, or approximately 1 point each. (10 points total)