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“The Hare & the Tortoise”


The Hare & the Tortoise is one of the most well-known stories in Aesop Fables. A hare lost a running game to the tortoise because the hare was so arrogant that he took a nap during the competition. The moral lesson of the story is that you should achieve your goals step by step instead of recklessly rushing towards the end. It also educates people to never look down on anyone.


To use 3D animation and graphics (photographs and drawings) to describe the story. 3D models of the hare and the tortoise will be developed in a simplified way because of the complexities of building two characters. Audio will provide background music that is cheerful and vivid.


The target audience would mainly be pre-k and kindergartners.


the hare: https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/animals/mammal/rabbit-cartoon-d04cb69c-4b44-4f78-9777-b3e1f55364e1

the tortoise: https://3dexport.com/3dmodel-cartoon-turtle-210013.htm