Date: 03/26/2020
Time: 3:00pm EST
Location: Google Hangouts
Attendees: Mei, Shweta, Hunter, Tasmima, Steven
Old action items:
- Determine if we’re using github for sure
- If so, have him open a github account, take the account information.
- Email scarlatos and make sure github is fine to use.
- Find out if anything is changing
- Present to the client what we’ve done so far and take feedback
- Ask the client questions we need answers to
- Hunter’s github user interface demo part 1
- Check registration→ google form to send student info to client’s database→ enter state → fillable pdf form of said state
- Google form can be modified very easily
- If forms change, a new one can be easily uploaded, replacing the old one.
- The forms that aren’t fillable, Mei Jia is working on converting them.
- Autopopulation
- We can make logic that would fork into whether student lives on campus or not.
- Github demo part 2
- Absentee ballot → redirected to absentee ballot forms.
- Steve’s thoughts
- Did we find methods to make the forms fillable
- Hunter researched some methods but they had their issues that made it unuseable.
- Shweta looked into Docusign and Typeform which are APIs which allow client to take information a student inputted
- Docusign is also not free and is more complex
- They are too complicated to use for the client because it requires a lot of coding even though it is a nice platform for users.
- Mei Jia is going to try to convert the forms using acrobat dc and put them into github
- The interface that team 1 (task 1 and 4) created is nice → we should talk to them about it so we can bring these things together.
- What other platforms did we research?
- Typeform: let’s explore the option a little bit more to see how nice it is because the client or his team is willing to learn in order to have a seamless experience.
- Did we find methods to make the forms fillable
- Questions for Steve
- What info should go in google forms?
- Does student live on campus or not
- If yes, autofill zip code and county.
- Drop down to say 100 circle road, 200 circle road
- Drop down of all buildings on campus
- Field for room number.
- If no, then normal form.
- If yes, autofill zip code and county.
- Does student live on campus or not
- What would a student do if they live on campus and also in the city?
- Students should have an option to register either on campus or off campus.
- We want students to register on campus so it’s more likely that they actually vote.
- Is there any budget so we could explore other options?
- Let’s say if typeform is really nice and worth it, then Steve is willing to find a way to pay for it.
- What info should go in google forms?
- Shweta: look at typeform more by next meeting
- Mei Jia: look into the fillable forms
- Make the google form.
New Action Items:
- Next meeting: Next Thursday same time