
Persona Type: Website End User

Name: Shay Rosario

Age: 18

Location: Stony Brook University

Technical comfort: Highly comfortable

Job title: Student


  • Shay is new to SBU and this is the first time she is eligible to vote so she is very excited.


  • As a first time voter, Shay does not know how to start this process
  • Mailing is a concern to her because its time consuming and a hassle.
  • Finding the correct form to fill out and steps to take is confusing


  • When Shay visited the current system to register to vote on campus, she did not like the options provided. One was to visit the SAC which is too time consuming. Option 2 was to get in touch with somebody at the center by emailing them and option 3 also required visiting SAC.

Ideal Experience:

  • She would love to do all of this by herself without talking to anybody or leaving her room.

Quote: “I just wish it was easier and not as confusing. It seems like there’s a lot of steps.”



Persona Type: Volunteer

Name: Anders Matthews

Age: 22

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Technical comfort: Slightly comfortable

Job Title: Student


  • Anders is doing his Masters in SBU.


  • Anders volunteered to test the current system to see what he thinks about this process.
  • He has been through the voting process before and wanted to see how easy or difficult this is.


  • The current website gives many options of how to hand in the voter registration forms but they all require a lot of work.
  • He has heard of other universities making this process much more efficient.
  • The last time he voted, mailing the form out easily frustrated him the most because that is something he’s never had to do before.

Ideal Experience:

  • In his experience, any experience where the student doesn’t have to mail the form themselves is good.


“Although I don’t mind it myself, I know that the biggest problem people have doing anything is having to go somewhere and having to talk to others, both of which is required in this current process. “