The Chicken Odyssey Begineth!

20140601_185648We finally got our chickens! 6 delightful little peepers!

I believe we have the following breeds:

  • Black Maran
  • Easter Egger
  • Buff Orpington
  • Wyandotte
  • Buff Brahman
  • Jersey Giant

Our coop will be delivered this week and then we can build their run. Right now they are living in a plastic tub in our bathtub.

I knew that they peeped, but didn’t know that at least one of them seems to have a song. It is a very pretty little trill. There is also a really loud one in the group that really gets your attention.

They are extremely inquisitive and will pounce on anything new. We were using a thermal gun to check the temp under the heat lamp and they immediately pounced on the red laser dot. They actually chased it like a cat.

I had to give one of them a bath. There was something caked on her little bottom and she and all her tub mates kept picking at it. She did NOT like that bath, not one bit! But she did seem to enjoy cuddling up in the towel afterwards all snuggled under my chin.


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