Taoism, Daoism and Confucianism

1) Taoism/Daoism Influence

  • Taoism:
    • Unclear date: Arose in Han dynasty and gained popularity in the Spring & Autumn Period (about 500BCE) [4]
    • “The Way”à Moral consciousness/Duty [2]
    • Reality, concrete life rather than abstract, leave other worldly concerns, one’s natural state of being, as one is, let life be as is (Don’t tamper) [1]
  • Gardens:
    • Retreat for peopleà Leaving concerns
    • Majority is folk shrines contain Taoist deities
    • Feng Shuià Taoism influence
      • Certain objects in certain places influence those who come in contact (Positively/Negatively)
      • Positiveà Bamboo: Attracts good Qi energy and energizes the space, Balances 5 elements ; Cranes: Longevity, brings peace/nobility
    • Harmony with nature
      • Man-made elements and nature : Ex) Bridges within plants
    • Example:
      • Lin Family Mansion and Garden in New Taipei
        • Large Pond
        • Multiple sections: Ex) Banquet area
        • Bridges built around trees for harmony
        • Decorations of symbols for good fortune: Ex) Crane

2) Confucian Influence

  • Confucianism:
    • Confucius lived in Zhou dynasty [3]
    • Philosophy based in ritualized life, ancestor worship, people belonging and being together, reflection of oneself in daily life, simplicity, self-improvement, changing/creating one’s life (Tampering) [1]
  • Temples:
    • Simplistic
    • Purposeà Rituals/Education (Scholars teach Confucianism)
    • Teaching roomsà To teach Confucianism & make human relationships (In Confucian thought)
    • Different names/purposes of separate compartments “Path of Righteousness/Gate of Rites” à Tainan Temple
    • Gates: Ceremonial, honor, chastity
    • Sometimes pondsà Water: Creates balance, Establishes mood w/ reflection, Purification
  • Example: [5]
    • Tainan Confucius Temple:
      • First Confucian temple in Taiwan, that underwent renovationsà Most recent from Japanese occupation in 1917
      • Ceremonial gates
      • Simple
      • Gatherings to honor Confucian teaching held
      • Pondà From the Book of Odes

3) Buddhism Influence

  • Buddhism:
    • Arose in Han dynasty [3]
    • Spiritual development, enlightenment, compassion to everything, morality, wisdom, karma, Dharma, release desireà Ends suffering
  • Monasteries:
    • Place of learning: Buddhist beliefsà mainly Dharma
    • Sutra inscriptions of the Buddha
    • Pagodas:
    • Central Axis Line
    • Temples:
      • Stupas: Square/round tomb or shrine ; Kept relics
      • Pagodas:
      • Majority is folk shrines contain Buddhist deities
    • Example: Nung Chan Monastery
      • Water-Moon” Dharma Center
      • Very minimal
      • Pool for reflection
      • Reflects light and shadow
      • Diamond Sutra
      • Gray concrete Minimalist


1) http://www.iep.utm.edu/daoism/#H8

2) https://www.britannica.com/topic/Daoism

3) http://www.pbs.org/story-china/timeline/#/*/confucius

4) https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/daoism/

5) http://confucius.culture.tw/english/navigator/map02.htm