• General searches for martial arts schools have declined almost 80% since their peak in 2005.
  • Taiji Quan and Wing Chun have achieved the same sort of recognition as arts like aikido or karate, but other forms were not as revered.
  • MMA interest is rising.
    • similarities to martial arts in that both are trying to block and subdue their opponent
    • Fun Fact: Ronda Rousey was a great Judo fighter before turning to MMA
  • “rejecting the “discipline” of Budo for the “cheap thrills” of sporting competition”
  • 1/5 Americans are interested in self-defense and MMA but there’s a gap between actually going to learn martial arts and appreciating it
  • Many of the martial arts seen in movies are choreographed
    • Some discourse from the Chinese community on how weakly traditional Chinese martial arts have become – see: “fight” between a mixed martial artist and a tai chi “master”
    • Xu Xiaodong, a Beijing-based fighter, coach and promoter of the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) combat sport vs. Wei Lei, the founder of the fledgling “thunder style” of tai chi, from Chengdu
  • Japan and Korea saw transformations in their traditional forms of martial arts so that they are more modern disciplines
  • Chinese martial arts were a candidate for becoming an Olympic event in 2011, but their application was declined in 2013
    • perhaps a lack of interest around the world or instability in rules during fights
  • In the grand scheme of things: people are supposed to learn traditional philosophy and combat techniques, as well as to build up health and have fun
    • we’re not here to show off, people


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