Assignment 2–Deanna Dikeman

Deanna Dikeman

Deanna Dikeman was born in 1954 in USA. She has photographed her midwestern family and surroundings since 1985. Her photographs have been public art projects in Kansas City; St. Louis; and Albany, New York. “A Photographer’s Parents Wave Farewell” was one of the top 25 stories of 2020 in The New Yorker.  Her book Leaving and Waving have been exhibited at festivals, museums, and galleries in eleven countries: Belgium, Canada, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Switzerland, and the United States.
For 27 years since 1991, Deanna Dikeman took photographs as she waved goodbye and drove away from visiting her parents at their home. In the progression of the photographic narrative, we see seasons change from winter to spring and back again. Her son grows from an infant in a car seat to a young man at the steering wheel. As silent passengers, we accompany the photographer on her seasonal pilgrimages home, her camera marking the passage of time, aging and mortality with candor and affection. By the end, her lens has lost its subjects.


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