I entered the world of photography 3 years ago now and what drew my to the art was seeing all these beautiful photos that people have taken around the world and wanting to see the places for myself but to also take a picture that allows people to see my point of view of that […]
Short Assignment- Teju Cole
What Does It Mean to Look at This? Teju Cole’s article about war photography made me take a step back and think about what attracts me personally to them. I remember when I was a teenager, probably 14, I saw pictures of Rwanda in the 1990’s and the Yugoslav wars and I found it eye […]
Final Project
The Sunrise- The Beginning So I created 2 sets of four images, the 1st set of four are purely pictures of nature at sunrise. Because the sunrise is the beginning of the day and at the beginning there was only nature, I’m kind of rolling with an evolution theme. Beach The Sunset- The End […]
Project 5- Altered Perception- Migraines
Migraines can cause several different kinds of visual changes in a person. For my examples I showcase, dizziness, vertigo, “Alice in Wonderland” syndrome (where objects appear smaller or larger than they actually are), and light sensitivity. Dizziness- causes the world to appear to be spinning while moving around Vertigo- blurred or disorienting vision or a […]
Project 4-Narrative Storytelling
Photo Project 4-2iiui62 The complete version of the gallery with captions and explanations
Project 3-Portraiture
Self Portrait A More Friendly Portrait Random Folks off of the Streets Portraiture Reflection From the get go I had to completely change how I approach my photographic subjects since I’m usually a landscape photographer. I almost always take wide shots with a long depth of field during mid-day […]
Color Portraiture
Project 2 Still Life- Landscape
PART I: Camera Study Images PART II Landscape and Still Life Photography My particular theme was starting with a close up of the smaller flowers and plants and then working my way up to larger and larger subjects. First, is the Bird of Paradise, then the small flowers floating atop the pond, then a large […]
Project 1- The Time of Day