8/2024: PhD student graduated. My PhD student, Zexia Zhang, successfully defended his PhD thesis. Wishing him the best of luck.
6/2024: Newly Awarded Project: The US DoE awarded over $2M to my research team at AMEC for marine energy research & development, strategy development, workforce training, etc. Role (PI).
12/2023: Newly Awarded Project: Our proposal with Austrian NSF Career was awarded $0.4 M to develop mathematical prediction tools for particle-particle interactions. Role (co-PI).
7/2023: Newly Awarded Project: my original NSF Career proposal was awarded $0.6 M to develop AI-based predictive tools for flood flows. Role (single PI)
1/1/2023: New Experience: Khosronejad starts his Fulbright Senior Scholar Award at the Thermal and Fluids department of UC3M, Spain.
11/7/2022: New Award: Khosronejad received Dean’s Millionaire’s Club, College of Engineering and Applied Science, Stony Brook University, 2022-2023
9/1/2022: My Research on News Outlets: https://www.newsday.com/news/health/coronavirus/proper-masks-to-wear-l37646
9/1/2022: My Research on News Outlets: https://issuu.com/tbrmedia/docs/al_073020w
9/1/2022: My Research on News Outlets: https://www.oceannews.com/news/science-and-tech/stony-brook-scientists-part-of-national-team-to-drive-renewable-ocean-energy-research
9/1/2022: My Research on News Outlets: https://tbrnewsmedia.com/tag/ali-khosronejad/
9/1/2022: My Research on News Outlets: https://libn.com/2021/11/03/stony-brook-scientists-research-renewable-ocean-energy/
8/2/2022: Four new PhD students just joined our research team. A warm welcome to Jonathan, Hossein, Mehrshad, and Mustafa.
8/1/2022: Newly Awarded Project: Our Seed Grant Proposal, “Data-driven physics-based reduced-order models for effective design of offshore wind farms,” was awarded by Stony Brook University. PI: Ali Khsronejad (Civil Eng. Dept.); Co-PI: Dimitris Samaras (computer Science Dept.).
7/21/2022: My PhD student, Waye Oaks, successfully defended his thesis and graduated. Congrats to Wayne!
5/6/2022: Several new research articles from our research collaborative teams concerning renewable energy and FSI modeling came out in different peer-reviewed journals: Ocean Engineering, Energies, and PoF.
4/6/2022: Our most recent research article concerning the Lagrangian dynamics of human breathing just came out in Phys. Fluids.
2/28/2022: A. Khosronejad was granted the prestigious Fulbright Senior Scholar award, 2023, Madrid, Spain.
1/10/2022: Newly Awarded Project: SafeTrace LLC., a private industrial company, funded our research group to conduct research optimizing the design of their DNA spray system under turbulent airflow.
1/12/2022: Our new research project concerning the effectiveness of face masks has gotten the attention of news outlets: Newsday, a New York-based news agency. See the story here:https://www.newsday.com/news/health/coronavirus/proper-masks-to-wear-1.50474664
1/6/2022: Newly Awarded Project: Our newly funded DoE project has gained new media attention. See the story here: https://tbrnewsmedia.com/tag/ali-khosronejad/
11/3/2021: The press release of our most recent research project at SBU and some media attention.
Stony Brook Scientists Part of National Team to Drive Renewable Ocean Energy Research
SBU Researchers Part of Team Driving Renewable Ocean Energy Research
Long Island Business News: Stony Brook scientists research renewable ocean energy
Ocean News & Technology Magazine: Stony Brook Scientists Part of National Team to Drive Renewable Ocean Energy Research
7/14/2021: Our most recent article was published in Atmospheric Science: on the impact of dominant wind on the spreading of a biochemical explosion in New York City: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118621.
6/30/2021: My recent research article appears on the cover page of Physics of Fluid – Cover
6/10/2021: My recent research article on human respiratory events and saliva particle transport in the Physics of Fluids has gained wide media attention.
5/20/2021: During the Graduation Commencement of Ston Brook University, Kevin Flora was hooded by the advisor Ali Khosronejad and officially graduated as the first Ph.D. graduate of the team.
5/3/2021: Kevin Flora successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation. Congratulations to Kevin!