About Me


Amber Li is a Chinese photographer and filmmaker who uses digital

art to explore and present the art of cultural confrontation. Her work

is often futuristic, focusing on technological changes in traditional

time and space. Cyberpunk, which has a cultural spectrum with high

tech, low life, is the focus of Amber Li’s research. She also adapted

and recreated news stories to present the social situation in an artistic

way. Through photography and video, she hopes to make people

aware of the importance of some issues in today’s society.



If photography is about expressing beauty or emotion through fixed images,

the cinematography is about narrative and coherence through montage editing.

Both are ways of presenting visual language, and I am immersed in the charm of both.



Story of May, 2019 Film Festival, Stony Brook University, New York

Marine Impacts under the Pandemic, 2021 TwentyDone, online senior show

Don’t Open the Box, 2021 Capstone Festival, Wang Theatre, New York