Research Journal for ARS 281 - Introduction to Photography

Author amechen

Final Project Presentation: It’s All in the Details


Task 6: Final Project Proposal

Final Project Proposal 1. PROJECT TITLE​: ​It’s All in the Details  2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION How often do you observe the community that you live in? Do you ever stop to look at the small things that really embody the essence… Continue Reading →

Artist Research Pt. 3: Final Project Proposal Ideas & Process

FINAL PROJECT PROPOSAL IDEAS & PROCESS: Enhance the conceptual (connotations and meanings) framework for your final project: 1. What are your research interests? I think I’ve always worked with really conceptualized topics when it comes to art: things that aren’t… Continue Reading →

Discursive Prompt

Question: Take the following questions as prompts for conducting research, and create one post (150 words) on your research blog. Discuss one way in which media (photography, video, etc.) has brought positive  improvement to our lives and society, civilization … Discuss… Continue Reading →

Artist Research Pt. 2: Locate 3 Artists/Artworks/Films/Media

Locate 3 artists/artworks/films/media related to your framework of ideas: Note Artist/Artwork Key Information: Name, Date of Birth, Country, Significant background information that may impact their work. (Your references might be beyond artist/artwork, citing other cultural phenomena, artist collectives, videos, films,… Continue Reading →

Artist Research Task Pt. 1: Research and Context

Start to develop your final project proposal and conduct research to contextualize your work. Portrait, landscape, outdoor, indoor, narrative, abstract, funny, political, serious, protest, nature, society, justice, commercial? (Genres an Areas of Interest). Nature, culture, artificial, history, future, science? (Subjects). Storytelling, documenting,… Continue Reading →

Project 3: Space, Place and Environment (Photography Essay Sequence: Narrative / Structural)

For this project, I chose to photograph my hometown, Forest Hills. I took the time to walk around and shoot photos that I believe really highlight the essence and energy of the neighborhood. Recently, I’ve been missing home, so what… Continue Reading →

Project 2: Message and Abstraction

For this project, I wanted to focus more on message than abstraction. Walking around my neighborhood made me realize just how much change has happened over the years, and every time I come back from school, it seems like a… Continue Reading →

Project 1: Portrait and Object

1.   2.   3.

Task 5: Edited/Constructed Image

For this task, I am including the image that I worked on during our “double exposure class.” I played around a little more afterwards, and this was the result!   Before:   After: I got the music sheet background from… Continue Reading →

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