Week 7 – The Art of Scheduling (3/14/14)

For this week’s internship class, Celia and Danny came in to talk about scheduling. We’re given a mini exercise where we received shift requests from 8 consultants and we have to assign them hours with specific requirements. such as one opening or closing shift and 8 hours minimum. We experience firsthand . There were far more things to put into considerations when trying to assign hours and process all the consultant requests.

On Monday, as a part of our final presentation, Victoria, my teammate, and I were able to interview Mr. Chuck Powell. It was a pleasure to speak with him and we were able to obtain a lot of information we can use to incorporate into our presentation.

On Tuesday, things got a little more exciting. Pharos System went down system wide throughout all SINC Sites. It was the first time I have ever experienced such a problem, so I couldn’t help but feel nervous about the situation. Users were all confused and frustrated about not being able to print and all we were able to do was relay was: “We apologize, but the system is currently down. We are currently trying to resolve the issue.” In the end, the technicians were able to fix the issue and everything went back to normal. I was also able to learn more about MAC’s from Nam and Sparky from Celia.

On Wednesday, for my Help Desk mentoring shift, Kayla put me in charge from the very beginneing, from logging into Velaro to footprints to Helpdesk email. She also quizzed me on the DoIT webpage, such as locating specific information through navigating around the webpages. We also addressed several different issues about Print From Anywhere.


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