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Tabletop lighting focuses on being up close to the object. It seems tabletop lighting is mostly used for commercial purposes as the product needs to be devoid of shadows. As a group, we were able to set up the lights to a 1:1 ratio. The lights consisted of the soft box (key light), the fill light (on the side) and the background light. The background light had to be a little stronger than the other lights as we wanted to create a white background.

The lights were pushed together (side by side)  as we were able to create a scene with objects brought into the studio.


In the image below, we were also able to play with the position of the lighting. The fill light was brought slightly above the object and with the use of a reflector, we were able to create a soft highlight on the back.


§56 · March 14, 2014 · Uncategorized · (No comments) ·

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