Hard Drive Space Issues

So, today I was looking through a dashboard which contains the results of reports from our managed Macintosh computers, and I came across a lab computer with 86% of it’s drive filled.

Curious, I went in and started to investigate the issue.

On our lab computers we remove user home directories if they are unused after 3-4 days to help preserve drive space. The worst case scenario is that up to 20,000 students can sit behind one of our lab computers. Now that’s a lot of home directories and a loads of data.

Long story short, I came across a folder:  /private/var/folders which was over two hundred gigabytes in size.

Turns out this folder holds user cached files and other such temp files. A web search turned up this post with some very interesting and useful information:


So now we are in the process of implementing some changes to our home directory removal tool by adding some code which will also remove the cache/temp data of that user.

Hopefully this will help to reduce disk usage.

So if you find that your Macintosh computer’s hard drive is missing a lot of free space, hopefully this post will help you in figuring out what is using up some of the space.

A word of caution. Remove cached/temp files at your own risk. A worst case scenario can result in a system that won’t boot.

Test, test, test, test, test, test…

One thought on “Hard Drive Space Issues

  1. Your expertise in this area shines through, and it’s clear that you have a passion for sharing knowledge. Thank you for taking the time to educate us. Keep up the great work!

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