
Student Consultant, Get Your Foot In The Door (GYFTD), Student Leadership, Stony Brook, NY, August 2015 – present.

  • Motivation for Joining: I applied for this position during the end of my freshman year after I had a positive experience with the organization; in a consultation session, I received useful information on campus involvement opportunities and summer internships. I was really inspired by this organization’s mission: to help incoming students better transition to life in college.
  • Meeting with Students: Now, as a student consultant in the organization, I enjoy having meaningful conversations with students. These conversations help me understand my students and their passions, which in turn help me to help them identify organizations on campus that aligns with their interests. Sometimes, we discuss their uncertainties about career paths, majors, and possible passions, and I can tell that it definitely helps the student to have somebody to talk to, especially if it is a more experienced peer who knows what they are going through.
  • Advancing the Organization: Outside of student sessions, I actively participate in weekly one-hour staff meetings, develop and advance the agenda of the group, share our consulting experiences with each other, and discuss ideas for expanding our presence on campus.

Student Leader, L.E.A.D Program. Stony Brook, NY, February – May 2015.

  • Leadership Development: I applied for this leadership program during my freshman year because I was interested in developing my leadership skills, which I believe are critical for my future success. Also, it is another way to get more involved on campus and get to know more people. I enjoyed the group discussions on the various leadership styles and aspects that I have not considered before;
  • Mentorship: Every student leader was paired with a mentor—usually an older faculty member at Stony Brook who volunteered to help young aspiring students—and I really bonded with mine.
  • Honors and Perfect Attendance: I graduated from eight-week program with honors, which meant I attended at least two leadership-related events outside of the program, and perfect attendance.

Scholars Representative, University Scholars Council. Stony Brook, NY, September– December 2014

  • Elected Representative: This was my first leadership experience as a freshman on campus, and while my responsibilities were no more than to represent my Scholars class in monthly council meetings, I felt empowered because the Scholars class elected me for this position and I was getting involved on campus.