Final Project: An Empath’s View of the World


An individual with the unique ability to tune in and feel the emotions and mental state of others and feel it as if its their own. These individuals are also highly sensitive, adapting significantly to the stimuli around them. For example, when experiencing happiness feeling it very deeply and when experiencing sadness feeling it on another level. These individuals are uniquely sensitive to sound, color and other visual stimuli. With this sensitivity comes a very strong intuition that’s never wrong, and a gift of seeing life in a very beautiful and special way. They feel things so deeply, and although that applies to negative emotions it applies to many positive emotions as well. This allows them to embrace the little beautiful things about life, such as the sun shining warmth on one’s face, the beauty of the sky at different times of the day and loving and being loved in return. Children and animals often instantly feel safe with empaths, and they have a great amount of patience and love, and love being in their presence as well. They have a pure loving energy and it not only heals others but myself as well. They also possess the ability to see the bigger picture in many scenarios and they are often confided in by those close to me and even complete strangers, and I have been told by most that I give great advice.

In the following photographs I aimed to focus on vibrancy, warmth, saturation and contrast to portray the deep content experienced by nature, animals, and absorbing positive emotions. In the photographs representing overstimulation and absorbing negative emotions, I used black and white to portray the drastic difference between the two deep emotions felt.

Overstimulation/ absorbing negative emotions

sun gaze


Connecting to nature and animals, Recharging