
Young Nightmare


Clip from Young Nightmare


Many of us have had strange but vivid childhood nightmares. This video inspired by my nightmare when I was young. I often had the same dream when I was about ten. In the dream, all kinds of creepy sounds and snowmen changed in the wilderness, even without the horrible plot, but I was still afraid to fall asleep. When I edit this video, I realized that I had gradually forgotten a lot of childhood memories except for these creepy dreams. Many studies have shown that dreams are based on reality, but children don’t have as many life experiences as adults.This is why those nightmares could confuse reality with fantasy. According to Romeo Vitelli’s article, children between the ages of five and ten seem to be particularly prone to nightmares that are still vivid years later, because children are more sensitive to environment and details.


  • Romeo Vitelli Ph.D., When Children Have Nightmares, Jul 06, 2018 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/media-spotlight/201807/when-children-have-nightmares